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Find out the one-stop-shop platform developed within the project. By creating a platform for the exchange of best practices, experiences, and inventive solutions, this platform is dedicated to expediting the adoption of renewable energy technologies and energy-efficient measures on islands.

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date:  07/11/2023

Andrea Martinez, the NESOI project coordinator from SINLOC, expressed the vision: "We believe that the NESOI Facility will propel Europe's energy transition goals by equipping islands with training, technical support, cooperation opportunities, and robust funding avenues to concretely implement Renewable Energy Sources (RES) plants, infrastructure retrofitting, reductions in energy costs, job creation, and more. This positions them to become the driving force of the European Energy Transition."

To achieve this ambitious goal, NESOI is laying the foundation for both physical and digital platforms. The NESOI platform will provide local authorities and communities with initial technical assistance, funding, and the capabilities to execute investments outlined in island energy transition plans. Furthermore, this platform will serve as a comprehensive resource hub for islands, offering ideas, as well as effective organizational, technical, and financial instruments that span the entire spectrum of project implementation.

Taking inspiration from successful island-oriented funding initiatives on a global scale, NESOI seeks to leverage the expertise of its consortium partners. Through its platform, it aspires to mobilize over 100 million euros in sustainable energy investments by 2023, with the potential to result in energy savings of up to 440 GWh per year.

The NESOI platform, underpinned by well-defined objectives, is dedicated to advancing the cause of sustainable energy transition. While not exclusively targeting specific entities, its trajectory over recent years has led to the initial invitation of island stakeholders, including local governing bodies, energy agencies, project developers, and technology providers. By creating a platform for the exchange of best practices, experiences, and inventive solutions, this platform is dedicated to expediting the adoption of renewable energy technologies and energy-efficient measures on islands.

In acknowledgment of the distinctive challenges and opportunities inherent to each island, the platform provides specialized guidance to facilitate the formulation and execution of sustainable energy projects. Its objective is to cater to the unique needs of islands and empower them to surmount the hurdles in their journey towards sustainable energy transition. This includes providing information for accessing diverse funding mechanisms, delivering technical expertise, and organizing capacity-building activities.

In terms of technical specifications, the NESOI platform features a user-friendly online interface that functions as a central repository of information, resources, and tools. Additionally, the platform promotes matchmaking and networking opportunities, enabling islands to establish connections with potential project collaborators, investors, and domain experts who can enhance the development of their sustainable initiatives.

Moreover, the NESOI platform actively engages in the identification and endorsement of innovative technologies and business models suitable for the specific context of islands. This includes highlighting instances of successful models, which in turn inspire other islands to adopt cutting-edge solutions and replicate successful models in diverse geographical settings.

In summary, the NESOI platform serves as a comprehensive support structure, equipping European islands with the tools they need to navigate the transition towards sustainable energy systems. It achieves this by providing knowledge, resources, and bespoke support to unlock the full potential of renewable energy within these island communities.