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Have your say in the public consultations on heat pump action plan, EU energy labelling requirements for cooking appliances, industrial carbon management initiative, on COSME programme, the evaluation of the Directive on waste from electrical and electronic equipment.

date:  27/07/2023

Heat pumps – action plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU

The use of efficient heat pumps in buildings, industry & local heat networks is key for cutting greenhouse gases and achieving the Green Deal & REPowerEU targets. The action plan on accelerating the heat pump market and deployment sets out 4 strands of action:

·         partnership between the Commission, EU countries and the sector (including R&I)

·         communication to all interest groups & a skills partnership for rolling out heat pumps

·         legislation (ecodesign & energy labelling)

·         accessible financing.

Submit your reply by 30 August 2023 (midnight Brussels time) via this link.


 Cooking appliances - energy labelling requirements

EU energy labelling requirements aim to inform EU consumers about the energy efficiency of appliances to help them do their part in making the EU climate-neutral.

This initiative will review the energy labelling requirements for cooking appliances, including ovens, hobs and range hoods.

This consultation covers both the Eco-design and Energy labelling interlinked initiatives. You just need to provide feedback once.

Submit your feedback by 31 August 2023 (midnight Brussels time) via this link.



Industrial carbon management – carbon capture, utilisation and storage deployment

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage plays an important role in achieving carbon neutrality in the EU by 2050. It provides a decarbonisation option for some hard-to-abate sectors and can be instrumental in advancing industrial carbon removals. The initiative will assess:

·         what role these technologies can play in decarbonising the EU economy by 2030, 2040 and 2050, respectively; and

·         measures needed to optimise their potential, including in the deployment of EU-wide CO2 transport and storage infrastructures.

Submit your feedback by 31 August 2023 (midnight Brussels time) via this link.



COSME programme – evaluation

This initiative is an evaluation of COSME, the EU programme for the competitiveness of enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises that ran from 2014 to 2020 with a budget of €2.3 billion.

SMEs are the backbone of Europe’s economy, providing 85% of all new jobs.

The European Commission aims to promote entrepreneurship and improve the business environment for SMEs to allow them to realise their full potential in today’s global economy.

Submit your feedback by 18 September 2023 (midnight Brussels time) via this link.



Waste from electrical and electronic equipment – evaluating the EU rules

The 2012 Directive on waste from electrical and electronic equipment protects the environment and human health, contributes to sustainable production and consumption, and ensures efficient use of resources by preventing and recovering waste.

This initiative will evaluate the progress made under the Directive. It will assess whether the objectives are met and to what extent the Directive supports a circular economy and environmentally sound management of waste for electrical electronic equipment.

Submit your feedback by 22 September 2023 (midnight Brussels time) via this link.