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Read the latest updates on the RHC ETIP-ETIP SNET Webinar, ETIP Hydropower’s survey to poll participants of the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Forum and the updates on the first General Assembly of the ETIP Batteries Europe.

date:  29/06/2023


On 29 June, RHC ETIP in collaboration with ETIP SNET held a webinar on the joint White Paper Coupling of Heating/Cooling and Electricity Sectors in a Renewable Energy-Driven Europe, to foster an interactive discussion on the implications of coupling the electricity, heating and cooling vectors as a vital part of efficiently decarbonising the whole European energy sector.

Read more here and access the study here


ETIP Hydropower

In order to promote the future deployment of sustainable hydropower in Europe, the ETIP Hydropower developed a survey to poll the participants of the HYDROPOWER EUROPE Forum on the format and rules of the different bodies to govern the ETIP, identify which working groups could be set up and involve the Forum registrants in the development and populating of the ETIP governance structure.

Read more and access the survey here


ETIP Batteries Europe

On the 21 June, the first General Assembly of the ETIP Batteries Europe took place in Brussels and online. Over 160 stakeholders attending the event, opened with an introduction of Batteries Europe and its vision to secure a better engagement with stakeholders and collaboration with other EU batteries initiatives and two international panels of discussion.

Read more here