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Read the latest updates from the wind energy R&I discussion between the ETIP Wind and the CTOs, the white paper on PV Manufacturing in Europe and the outcomes of the first “Brussels Hydropower Day” and the SNETP Forum.

date:  01/06/2023


On 27th April, ETIP Wind met the Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) from the wind industry’s leading companies to discuss about wind energy R&I, the general state of play and the future priorities. European Commission representatives from DG ENER and DG RTD emphasised how the Green Deal business plan will contribute to increasing the production of clean energy technologies, and how ETIP Wind's recommendations will influence the priorities of the next Horizon Europe work programme.

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The white paper on PV Manufacturing in Europe: Understanding the value chain for a successful industrial policy has been opened for consultation until 31st May 2023. The paper, realized by the PV industry working group, addresses the operational challenges that the EU photovoltaic industrial policy is likely to face and possible impact of investments in R&I to accelerate the adoption of production technologies with higher energy efficiency and improved productivity.

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Moreover, the Annual Conference 2023 - PV Innovation: Assuring Europe's Energy Independent Future with PV took place on 10th and 11th May in Brussels, with around 150 participants, highlighting the importance to harness the existing solar R&D landscape, resources and know-how in Europe to advance these technologies. During the conference, representatives from industry, academia and politics shared their views on the challenges and opportunities of strengthening the European solar PV industry.

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The first edition of the annual event “Brussels Hydropower Day” was successfully organised on 25th April 2023 under the title: “The added value of the hydropower sector as a catalyst and enabler in the clean and safe energy transition under the energy crisis”. The event brought together all stakeholder groups in the sector to discuss opportunities and barriers in the deployment of hydropower.

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SNETP - Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

The annual SNETP Forum took place between 15th and 17th May, the event gathered 200 participants and 22 speakers, engaging poster exhibition featuring 30 SNETP Labelled Euratom projects. The Forum served as a dynamic platform for exploring the current state of the nuclear sector, the industry’s central role in the fight against climate change within the EU community, the importance of empowering young talent and the new role of start-ups and SMEs.

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