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Read the latest update from BRIDGE including Save the date for the BRIDGE General Assembly, 60 new projects will soon join BRIDGE and the publication of three new case studies.

date:  27/01/2023

Save the date: 28-30 March, BRIDGE General Assembly

The BRIDGE Secretariat team is pleased to invite you to the 2023 BRIDGE General Assembly that will take place on 28, 29, and 30 March 2023.

This year the General Assembly will be a hybrid event that will be held on-site in Brussels (EC premises) and online with a remote connection link.

The details of the agenda will be shared soon. However, it will have a similar structure to last year’s edition, with a plenary session and parallel sessions on a variety of relevant topics. 

You will be informed once the registration opens. However, we kindly ask you to already book these days in your agendas.


60 new projects will soon join BRIDGE

In 2023, BRIDGE will grow!

This year, 60 new Horizon Europe-funded projects are joining the initiative. BRIDGE's expansion started at the end of last year and will be completed in early 2023.

BRIDGE Secretariat, under the supervision of DG Energy and CINEA, is currently in contact with the coordinators of these new projects for their integration process.

Most of these projects align with the BRIDGE classic themes "Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation", but, for the first, some of these projects will also cover new topics.

More information will be released soon, so stay tuned.


Three new case studies published: Battery Energy Storage Systems (#3), TSO-DSO cooperation (#4), and Energy Communities #5

Bridge has released three new Case Studies, namely:

  • Case study #3: Battery Energy Storage Systems to support the large-scale integration of renewable energy

  • Case study #4: TSO - DSO Cooperation

  • Case study #5: Energy Communities: tools to build them and make them thrive

The reports are available on the dedicated page of the BRIDGE website.

The three documents have been prepared for the European Commission. However, they reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet.