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Read about the Mapping report on funding instruments for energy innovation by SMARTSPEND, how to avoid potential pollution in hydropower by innovation, Global Energy Review by International Energy Agency, EREF’s policy paper to reach net-zero through renewables, and more!

date:  28/05/2021

Hydropower: how to avoid potential pollution sources and mitigate environmental impacts by innovative measures and concepts? Under the umbrella of the European Green Week, HYDROPOWER EUROPE organises an event on how to avoid potential pollution by innovation on the 8th of June. Register now!

Mapping report on funding instruments for energy innovation: The report by the SMARTSPEND project is a guide providing an overview and synthetic information on Clean energy Public and Private funding instruments available for clean energy solutions.

Assessing the effectiveness of implementing the SME definition of the Energy Efficiency Directive

Global Energy Review 2021: According to International Energy Agency’s report, as the world enters the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, the annual Global Energy Review assesses the direction energy demand and carbon dioxide emissions are taking in 2021. The latest statistical data and real-time analysis confirm our initial estimates for 2020 energy demand and CO2 emissions while providing insights into how economic activity and energy use are rebounding in countries around the world – and what this means for global emissions.

Paris Agreement’s goal: a method to ensure accurate estimates of the collective climate progress: The JRC study proposed a method for improving the assessment of collective progress towards the Paris Agreement’s goals

Network requirements for a 2050 net-zero carbon economy: With a new plan for achievement of a net-zero carbon economy by 2050 set out by leaders of major global energy producers and users in the Energy Transitions Commission envisaging wind and solar increasing to over 75% of generation, the question is what additional spending is required on the networks.

The European bioeconomy in 2050: four foresight scenarios: The Joint Research Centre publishes a study presenting four alternative scenarios for the EU bioeconomy in 2050.

How to make clean electrification possible: With the pressure on for faster and more aggressive action on carbon emissions and the climate to meet the 2050 Paris Agreement commitments, a new plan from the Energy Transitions Commission sets out actions to achieve a net-zero greenhouse gas economy over the next 30 years that it states to be both technically and economically feasible.

Fusion power and the ITER project: As we raise our ambition to fight climate change, the focus must shift towards cleaner energy options. But investing in renewable energy sources alone might not be enough. The key to our future clean energy needs could lie in fusion power, and the ITER project is the main contributor to reaching that goal.

What a difference a year makes - the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on EU energy supply in 2020: Since early 2020, restrictive measures have been taken to slow down the spread of COVID-19. These measures included the closure of factories, schools and restaurants, and required people to confine themselves in their homes. In late spring, many EU Member States began removing some restrictions following the first signs of recovery. By late autumn, however, the second COVID-19 wave had started and restrictive measures were again put in place. The EU’s fuel supply was adversely affected by these measures.

CO2 emissions from energy use clearly decreased in the EU in 2020: Eurostat estimates that in 2020, the year when COVID-19 containment measures were widely introduced by the EU Member States, CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion (mainly oil and oil products, coal, peat and natural gas) significantly decreased by 10% in the EU compared with the previous year.

Make RED III fit for 55% – EREF’s Policy Asks for reaching net-zero through: Renewables, Renewables and – Renewables

Bioenergy, the undervalued pillar of the clean energy transition: The International Renewable Energy Agency explores the current market of bioenergy and the role the energy resource can play in accelerating the transition to low-carbon energy economies.