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ETIPS update

The idea of setting up a stable and structured dialogue among the 10 existing European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) was born from the need to avoid topics overlapping or the duplication of work, and – more importantly – to optimise all the know-how and expertise of the numerous experts involved in all the ETIPs. Read about the ETIPs FORUM.

date:  28/05/2021


Concept, Scope and Action Plan

The ETIPs FORUM will be virtually kicked off on 2nd June from 15.00 to 17.30.

The idea of setting up a stable and structured dialogue among the 10 existing European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs) was born from the need to avoid topics overlapping or the duplication of work, and – more importantly – to optimise all the know-how and expertise of the numerous experts involved in all the ETIPs toward the same decarbonisation goal and mission by 2030 and 2050.

To achieve the goals mentioned above, ETIP SNET took the initiative – welcomed by the EC (DG ENER) - to launch an ETIPs Forum, with the aim to create regulars’ roundtables to streamline several topics in multiple working sessions and identifying potential common activities, common topics to tackle together,​ and agree on concrete collaboration actions and next steps forward.

ETIP Batteries

The Batteries Europe Workshop on Digitalization for Smart Energy and Transport Systems (co-organized with ETIP SNET and EGVIA and supported by the European Commission) took place on 5 May.

The workshop attracted over 180 participants. The speakers invited (Maher Chebbo, Ctechnologys/Digitalization Task Force Chair of Batteries Europe ETIP; Marco-Robert Schulz, Siemens Energy/ETIP SNET/Gaia-X; Peter Nemcek, CyberGrid/ETIP SNET; Tejs Vegge, DTU/ Battery 2030+; Tomaž Katrašnik, University of Ljubljana/EGVIA) presented their views on the key technology solutions, involving digital batteries, that will shape Europe’s energy transformation, covering core issues such as the European dataspaces and the potential of batteries flexibility.

Decarbonization, Digitalization and Decentralization were presented as key priorities for an energy transition that takes into account batteries needs. The discussion was centered around the innovative methodologies and research practices needed for merging the digital and the battery value chains.

You can watch the recordings here.


The Safety & Sustainability workshop will take place on the 15th of June (14.00-16.00 h) with the title: A Holistic Approach to Battery Safety and Sustainability for Europe.

The discussion will develop around the innovation in the EU regulation related to safety and sustainability for batteries, and we will have speakers from the JRC, with Claude Chanson (RECHARGE) as moderator.

After the 3-4 speakers (from industry and research) will have finished their part, there will also be space for a panel focusing on:

o  Focus on Society and Public acceptance

o  Balance between competitiveness and sustainability

o  How Safety and Sustainability are coming into play in the different technical thematic areas of 1. Advanced Material; 2. Cell and Manufacturing; 3. Pack, integration and use of batteries.

The third workshop will finally be on 29th June, and it will focus on Education & Skills for the European Battery Chain. You can find a tentative agenda of the event in the previous email (April 2021), as the definitive one is under preparation.