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  19 March 2024  



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News from ETIP SNET

Members of ETIP SNET had the opportunity to express their views on the essence of ETIP SNET and its significance within the European context


Latest updates from BRIDGE

The upcoming BRIDGE General Assembly 2024 is going to be in 9-10 April.


Future events

Do not miss the webinar on 23rd of April about Smart Networks, Brighter future: Key takeaways from ETIP SNET latest research and the regional workshop on May 16th



Do not miss the latest publication

Read the policy paper written by ETIP SNET’s WG4 on Digitalisation of the electricity system and customer participation


News from the energy world

Interesting news from the energy sector

Read about the new partnerships to foster fusion energy, new regulation for data centres, EGRISE (the search engine from EU geothermal reserach and innovation), and Brussels hydropower day


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