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  13 December 2023  



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Highlights from ETIP SNET' presence at Enlit

Key take aways from Enlit: among the many valuable contributions, there are those of several WG's members such as Natalie Samovich (Co-Chair of WG1 - Reliable, economic and efficient energy system), Elena Boskov Kovacs (Chair of WG4 - Digitalisation of the electricity system and customer participation), Santiago Gallego Amores (Chair of WG1 - Reliable, economic and efficient energy system) and Luis Cunha, Co-Chair of ETIP SNET.

people reunited in a room

ETIP SNET was presented during the Barcelona Expo World Congress

Representatives of WG5 (Innovation implementation in the business environment) participated to the Deep Retrofitting Focus Group.


Energy research and Innovation for a Competitive Europe

SET Conference 2023

The Chair of ETIP SNET took part to the panel 'Future integrated and resilient energy system' together with other industry and European Commission experts.

people gathered in a room

BRIDGE initiative at Enlit: unveiling new projects and advancing Smart Energy Transition across Europe

Latest updates from BRIDGE

The BRIDGE session at Enlit shed light on the projects' contributions to the advancement of smart electricity grids in support of decarbonization and system integration. Have a look at the recent publications from the Working Groups such as Data exchange reference architecture 3.0, Reference framework 1.0, Interoperability of home appliances, Energy market design and flexibility, and Exploration of citizen engagement methodologies in European R&I projects 3.0.



Innovation in Hydrogen's Impact on Energy Grids: a deep dive.

The EU Hydrogen Week: Innovation in Hydrogen's Impact on Energy Grids

Read the publication about hydrogen's impact on energy grids


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