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Latest updates from ETIP SNET

Don't miss the paper Hydrogen's impact on grids presented at EU Hydrogen Week, as well as the insights after Enlit event and the participation to the deep retroffiting focus group!


date:  21/11/2023

Highlights from ETIP SNET's presence at Enlit

During this pivotal industry event, several ETIP SNET members played key roles as moderators and speakers in lively sessions within the EU Project Zone (EUPZ) and beyond.

Among the many valuable contributions, there are those of Natalie Samovich, Elena Boskov Kovacs, Luis Cuhna and Santiago Gallego Amores.

Read the whole news here to find out the topic discussed and takeaways from the event.

Innovation in Hydrogen's Impact on Energy Grids

In occasion of the EU hydrogen week, one of the latest ETIP SNET's paper on hydrogen's impact on grid has been presented.

In this recent paper, ETIP SNET WG 1 sheds light on the role of innovation and policy considerations in this context.

Innovation is a critical component for the successful integration of hydrogen into energy systems and grids.

It's not just about the stand alone technology but also about the ecosystem that supports it and holistic considerations of the related infrastructures.

Read the whole news here to find out about key take-outs of the paper.

Participation to the Deep retroffiting group

This year, under the banner of "EC Initiatives on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities," the goal of the European Commissiona and of the Smart Cities Marketplace's joint presence at the Smart City World Expo Congress is to accelerate the implementation of sustainable urban solutions in alignment with the EU Green Deal and REPowerEU plan at local level. 

ETIP-SNET’s representatives of Working Group 5 on Innovation implementation in the business environment participated in the session organized by the Deep Retrofitting focus group of the Smart Cities Marketplace on November 9th, 15.00-16.30 in Room B1. The session was also streamed. 
Discussion with relevant experts was chaired by Sergio Olivero, Chair of the Deep Retrofitting Focus Group and of ETIP SNET Working Group 5.

Venizelos Efthymiou talked about the ETIP SNET initiative, connected to the integrated SET-Plan. The discussion focused on electrification, mobility and buildings as smart nodes in the energy system. 

Read the news here.