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An interesting white paper about replication of islands decarbonisation initiatives

10 projects got together to provide regulatory, socioeconomic and technical recommendations with regards to islands decarbonisation initiatives

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date:  23/10/2023


10 projects, GIFT H2020, IANOS 2020, INSULAE H2020, ISLANDER H2020, MAESHA H2020, NESOI European Islands Facility, REACT H2020, ROBINSON H2020, SOCLIMPACT H2020, VPP4ISLANDS wrote a white paper claiming EU funded projects provide concrete solutions to achieve cost-efficient, flexible, reliable and secure energy supplies. For this reason replicating decarbonisation islands become extremely important to reach our common goals. The paper advocates for the implementation of the recommended financial, incentivisation and regulatory measures, as well as initiatives aimed at promoting the engagement of relevant stakeholders