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Register for the “ETIP SNET & BRIDGE Key results and steps forward networking” event and read more about the attendance to EM-Power Europe, to Enlit Europe and the EU Project Zone, and to EUSEW 2023 through Policy Sessions and an Energy Fair stand. Consult the latest news from the ETIP SNET Working Groups and the ETIPs FORUM

date:  01/05/2023

Register for the ETIP SNET & BRIDGE Key results and steps forward networking event!

On 20th June 2023, the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will host its “Key results and steps forward” networking event in Brussels at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) from 18:00 onwards. A networking walking dinner will follow a one-hour panel session.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet with numerous relevant stakeholders in the energy field and learn about the key results achieved over the past three years and the upcoming steps forward of the two European Commission’s (EC) initiatives.

The Event will be exclusively in person. Registration is required to participate.

The “ETIP SNET and BRIDGE - Key Results and steps forward” will take place on the evening of the first day of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). Participants will be welcomed with an aperitif at 18.00, and by 18:30, a panel session will begin, followed by a networking walking dinner.

In the panel, speakers will present and discuss the main achievements of the two EC initiatives and their contribution to guiding Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) to support Europe’s energy transition. Moreover, you will have the unique opportunity to meet the BRIDGE projects’ responsible in the “EU BRIDGE Projects Corner” to exchange ideas, discover projects’ results and establish new synergies (more details will soon be shared with BRIDGE projects’ responsible).

The panel session will be followed by a networking walking dinner across the restaurant of KBR and its beautiful terrace overlooking parts of Brussels city centre. One day away from the longest day of the year, this will be the perfect occasion to network and liaise with the vast community of energy experts part of the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE.


ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will attend EM-Power Europe

The ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will take part to the EM-Power Europe Conference, the International Exhibition for energy management and integrated energy solutions in Frankfurt from 13 to 16 June 2023. The two EC initiatives will give a panel session and have a joint booth where they will be joined by the nine BRIDGE projects below:

Read the description of the session, also available on the EM-Power Europe website.

The world is facing unprecedented challenges in the form of climate change and the urgent need to transition to a sustainable energy future. In order to tackle these challenges, we must harness the power of research and innovation to drive forward the development of new technologies, processes, and solutions.

This session, organised by the ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition (SNET) and BRIDGE - two European Commission’s initiatives - will bring on the stage ten H2020 and Horizon Europe projects. The panel session will be divided into two separate breakdown sessions along the topics of:

  1. Flexibility and retail market options for DSO - Replicable solutions for a cross sector compliant energy ecosystem;
  2. Consumer engagement and demand response (including interoperable smart homes and grids) and Decarbonising systems in energy and geographical Islands.

The panellists will present the key figures, activities and results of their projects and will be part of a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session where questions from the audience will be collected. Join us to enhance more your understanding of the current state of energy-related areas and to identify where the gaps and needs for future research and innovation priorities lie!


EUSEW 2023: Policy Session and Energy Fair stand

The ETIPs FORUM will participate in a Policy Session at the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2023 titled “Revision of the SET plan: boosting skills for R&I and competitiveness in clean energy technologies”. The session led by DG ENER B.5 will be held on 22 June from 14:00 to 15:30. Maria Laura Trifiletti, the Coordinator of the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE, together with the other speakers will discuss how raising awareness about the need to accelerate R&I in energy and thus inform the audience about the revised SET Plan and its increased focus on cross-cutting topics such as complete supply chains including circularity, citizen empowerment, digitalisation, jobs and skills. 

Register your attendance at EUSEW 2023 for this and several sessions, included “Empowering energy communities: building capacity for social innovation” co-organised by BRIDGE.

Moreover, the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will have an Energy Fair stand onsite together with the ETIPs FORUM titled “bringing the energy transition forward”. More information will soon be available on the EUSEW 2023 website.


Enlit Europe and the EU Project Zone

For the sixth year in a row, the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE will take part in Enlit Europe, the “constantly growing, inclusive, end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda”, which this year will take place in Paris from 28 to 30 November.

As for the previous editions, both initiatives are actively contributing to the organisation of the EU Project Zone, the area dedicated to European-funded projects committed to accelerating the energy transition. Consult the brochure describing the packages for the live event and digital ways of dissemination through the EU Project Zone.

The Secretariat is facilitating the attendance of BRIDGE projects (read the BRIDGE section of the newsletter for more information) through different dissemination options tailored to the projects’ needs and progress. Moreover, the Secretariat, together with Enlit organisers and hearing the European Commission, is further developing the programme and the topics that will be addressed through the numerous sessions of the three-day event. Stay tuned for more information to come in the next days!


News from the ETIPs FORUM

Maria Laura Trifiletti, the Coordinator of the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE, has recently participated in two events representing the ETIPs FORUM. More specifically, the first event was the SET Plan Steering Group meeting held on 20 April 2023, where Trifiletti presented the work of the ETIPs Forum and its link with the IWGs. The second event was the Hydropower Day organised by ETIP Hydropower on 24 April 2023, where Trifiletti shared concrete actions to contribute to the revision of the SET Plan from the ETIPs FORUM’s perspective.


Working Groups updates


The Hydrogen and Grids Task Force is continuing its drafting work and aims to achieve their first draft before Q3 of 2023.

The TF on Energy Communities’ Impact on Grids in cooperation with ISGAN has experienced some delays with respect to content integration. Consequently, the white paper is foreseen for publication by the end of Q3 of 2023.

The ETIP SNET WG1 has engaged in bilateral discussions with the ETIP SNET Chair Team to further explore how the WG1 foresees the next year of work. Initial planning for a white paper dedicated to the topic of energy infrastructure planning is soon underway with the goal of initiating a Kick Off Meeting in Q2.

WG1 members  will be attending both InnoGrid and CIRED events to represent the WG1 and present the previous published papers (E-mobility deployment and impact on grids and Flexibility for Resilience).


The paper for TF KPI on Energy Storage Applications paper has been published and can be found here. Furthermore, the WG2 has mapped the activities of its next TF; Development of Circular Economy Approach to Energy Storage Value Chains and expects to kick off this TF in the coming months. 


The white paper “Coupling of Heat/Cooling and Electricity Sectors in a Renewable Energy Driven Europe” is published and can be found here. The editors' team is currently discussing the different options to disseminate the paper. The paper will be presented at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Italy in June. The WG3 is currently working on two position papers: "Hydrogen Ramp-up" position paper led by Peter Johnson with a deadline for June 2023. And a second position paper on “Ramp-up of renewable generation and its effects on system level” led by Thai Phuong Do with a deadline for June 2023 as well. The WG3 is also planning to meet face-to-face in October 2023 at Le Bourget. It will be organised by Thai Phuong Do and will take place at the same time as the ISGT conference during which the White Paper will be presented.


The structure of the Energy Data Spaces policy paper has been developed by WG4 TF1. In order to move forward, a TF of experts will be set up to work on the content of the policy paper with representatives of the different ETIP SNET WGs. Additionally, TF2 will organize a Round Table on Consumers and Citizens engagement in the energy market with representatives from other WGs, BRIDGE and the EC. The aim of the Round Table is to align with the different initiatives working on the topic and foster participation and engagement for the development of TF2’ Playbook. Finally, a position paper will be issued on Digital Skills based on the outcomes of the EDDIE project.


The work of the setup of TF for the Regulatory Sandboxes policy paper has been intense during this month due to the deadline set by DG ENER for receiving the first inputs. In order to gather relevant information, a Questionnaire was created and shared with ETIP SNET WGs members and external stakeholders. The response rate has been high, with over 40 answers to the questionnaire. Parallelly, experts of the created TF have been working on the SOA of the document. The information and the answers retrieved from the Questionnaire will be gathered and shared for feedback from the ETIP SNET Chairmanship and other key stakeholders by the end of the week. After integrating the received feedback the document will be shared with the EC.