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Read the latest updates on the selection of the ETIP SNET WG2 Co-Chair, the upcoming 16th and 17th Regional Workshops, Final Event, and the next Governing Board, as well as the preparation of Enlit Europe 2023 in Paris and the latest news from the ETIP SNET Working Groups.

date:  27/01/2023

Apply as Co-Chair of the ETIP SNET WG2 – Energy Storage and system Flexibilities

Every year, the ETIP SNET launches an internal renewal process of its Working Groups Chairs and Co-Chairs.

Are you an expert in Energy Storage System Flexibility?

Would you like to become a key player in driving the EU energy transition, co-chairing the WG2: Energy storage and system flexibilities and join a group of more than 350 key stakeholders in the energy system?

Do not miss this opportunity and apply as Co-Chair by 31st January 2023!!

The role of the WG Co-chair is to:

  • Represent the WG internally with respect to the overall ETIP SNET governance;
  • Represent the WG externally with respect to participation in external events;
  • Coordinate the WG`s activities.

For more information on this call, fill in the application form and contact and


Register for the 16th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop!

DO NOT MISS the opportunity to join the 16th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop on 28 February (09:30 – 17:30 CET), which will take place in Bilbao (Spain) in a hybrid format (physical participation is highly advised).

The overall purpose of this event is to learn more about national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) and how and if they are aligned to the RDI activities on the EU level and, specifically, to the ones identified in the ETIP SNET Implementation Plan 2022-2025 and that will be the base of the High Levell Use Cases in the updated ETIP SNET Roadmap, expected by mid-February 2023.

To that end, the ETIP SNET invited the representatives of national and regional funding and support programmes from Western Europe (Spain, France, Portugal, Ireland and the UK) that will meet and discuss together with the EC, national funding authorities and ministries about RDI priorities and next funding programmes.

The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn about R&I projects around Europe and contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities.

Are you Interested in joining?

Are you a representative of a university, technology centre, energy utility, distribution or transmission system operator, technology or service provider, funding authority, national or regional ministry, regulator, national or regional technology platform?

Are you active in the field of Smart Grids and integrated Smart Energy Systems & Markets? Storage and conversion among energy carriers? Interfaces between electricity and heat, cooling, gas and transport? Digitisation? Flexible thermal and renewable generation? Flexible energy consumption? Prosumer and customer participation?

Then, kindly fill in the following registration form by 20 February 2022.

Please note that we can accept only 85 registrations, and the principle first comes, first served will be applied”.

Check out the agenda.


Registrations will open soon for the 17th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop!

The ETIP SNET 17th Regional Workshop will take place in Vaasa (Finland) on 21 March in hybrid format (physical participation is highly advised).

The event will take place within the Vaasa EnergyWeek (20 – 24 March), an annual meeting gathering energy enthusiasts from all over the world to share information, hear about the latest news and most interesting cases, extend their networks and do business.

This Regional Workshop will focus on Northern Countries (Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania).

Registrations will open soon, and you will be timely informed.


Save the date: 20 June, ETIP SNET Final Event

ETIP SNET will host its Final Event in the late afternoon of the 20th June. The event will consist of a panel session to present the final results of the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE, and will be followed by a walking dinner.

More information and the link to register will soon be shared.


8 February, ETIP SNET Governing Board

The first Governing Board of 2023 will take place on 8 February from 9:30 to 18:00 in Brussels (Hybrid connection will also be arranged, however, with a preference for physical attendance if possible).

The agenda will soon be circulated.


ENLIT Europe 2023, Paris: Preparation ongoing!

After the great success of the ETIP SNET and BRIDGE’s attendance to ENLIT Europe in Frankfurt in November 2022, the Secretariat is already closely cooperating with Clarion Event – ENLIT’s organisers – for the next edition of the conference.

On 16th February, Maria Laura Trifiletti and Edoardo Genova, respectively, project coordination and communication manager of the ETIP SNET and BRIGE, will attend the ENLIT Impact Circle in Paris.

The Impact Circle is a gathering of dedicated energy specialists, designed to imagine and map out the Enlit Europe programme.

The members identify the essential trends, topics, speakers and formats for both the Summit and the Hub Sessions, as well as Initiate. These experts from utilities, vendors, IPPs, regulators, start-ups and other energy transition stakeholders offer their advice and input to the event's Content team throughout the year, who use this inspiration to design the grid and recruit top industry speakers for the Enlit Europe Programme.


Working Groups updates

WG1:  The White Paper on “E-mobility deployment and impact on grids” is published and can be found here.

The Flexibility for Resilience White paper is published and available.

The Hydrogen and Grids Task Force is continuing its drafting work and aims to achieve their first draft before Q2 of 2023.

The TF on Energy Communities’ Impact on Grids in cooperation with ISGAN has significantly advanced with respect to the drafting of the deliverable is also submitting a draft for review of strategic fit from the ETIP SNET Chair Team.

The 2023 workplan is finalised and will be revealed at the Governing Board on the 8th of February.

WG2: There has been some delay in the activities of the WG2 product of unforeseen circumstances in the Chair Team. In terms of ongoing activities, TF KPI on Energy Storage Applications paper has received preliminary feedback from the respective EC policy officer. The WG2 is implementing this feedback before the paper is submitted to the ETIP SNET Governing Board. Furthermore, the WG2 has mapped the activities of its next TF; Development of Circular Economy Approach to Energy Storage Value Chains and expects to kick off this TF in the coming months. The 2023 workplan is finalised and will be revealed at the Governing Board on the 8th of February.

WG3 : The white paper “Coupling of Heat/Cooling and Electricity Sectors in a Renewable Energy Driven Europe” is published and can be found here. The editors' team is currently discussing the different options to disseminate the paper. The paper will be presented at different conferences in 2023 such as the IEWT conference in Vienna in February and the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Italy in June. An application to a policy session for EUSEW is currently ongoing.

The WG3 is also finalising the "New Electricity Market Design" position paper. It will be presented at the next Governing Board meeting on February 8th for the final validation. WG3 is also working on a "Hydrogen Ramp-up" position paper.

WG4: this week WG4 held the first Monthly Call of 2023. The chairmanship shared the scope of work for this new year, focusing on the technical paper to be developed by TF1 on the SOA of Digitalization UCs. TF1 will have a meeting next week to discuss more specifically the content to be included in this paper, avoiding overlapping with the work of other initiatives addressing Digitalization. Additionally, the timeline of the paper will also be set during the meeting. On the other hand, the TF2 (former TF3) will held a meeting soon in order to relaunch its activities and refocus the scope of the customer/citizen engagement playbook. Moreover, TF2 will try to engage more active members in order to expand its scope. Additionally, WG4 is discussing about how to take on the new work stream on Digitalisation Skills, which are a key focus on the EC agenda.

WG5: WG5 will continue having a helicopter view of the ETIP SNET, and addressing topics horizontally. WG5 support to other ETIP SNET WGs will consist of 5 customized steps depending on the concrete needs of the WG and the technical paper developed. By employing the tools and approaches developed within WG5, the WG5 experts will assist the other WGs in:

    • Common Data Space for Knowledge, information and data including project results
    • Extend common Taxonomy in addressing evolution of High-Level Use Cases
    • Scalability – Replicability of systems, solutions, and technologies by adhering to interoperable and standardised principles and concepts.
    • Understanding maturity indices and using them in a standardized and universal way to measure progress and identify gaps
    • Innovation radar and market orientation of R&I activities: Develop the process into a norm of best practice that can be embedded in the work and actions of the WGs and extended to Grand Calls by the Programme Committee, Clean Energy Transition Partnership etc.

Additionally, the work of the former WTs within WG5 will continue.