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Read the latest updates from the ETIP SNET Working Groups.

date:  23/12/2022

WG1:  The White Paper on “E-mobility deployment and impact on grids” has been published and can be found here.

The Flexibility for Resilience White paper is published and available.

The Hydrogen and Grids Task Force is continuing its drafting work and aims to achieve their first draft before the end of the year.

The TF on Energy Communities’ Impact on Grids in cooperation with ISGAN has significantly advanced with respect to the drafting of the deliverable is also receiving guidance from the ETIP SNET Chair Team.


WG2: There has been some delay in the activities of the WG2 product of unforeseen circumstances in the Chair Team. In terms of ongoing activities, TF KPI on Energy Storage Applications paper has received preliminary feedback from the respective EC policy officer. The chair team is responding to this feedback and modifying input before the paper is submitted to the ETIP SNET Governing Board. Furthermore, the WG2 has mapped the activities of its next TF; Development of Circular Economy Approach to Energy Storage Value Chains and expects to kick off this TF in the new year.


WG3: the white paper “Coupling of Heat/Cooling and Electricity Sectors in a Renewable Energy Driven Europe” has been published. The editors' team is currently discussing the different options to disseminate the paper. A webinar will be organised to present the paper during the first semester of 2023. The paper will also be presented at different conferences in 2023 such as the IEWT conference in Vienna in February and the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition in Italy in June.

The WG3 is also finalising the "New Electricity Market Design" position paper. It will be presented at the next Governing Board meeting in January for the final validation. WG3 is also working on a "Hydrogen Ramp-up" position paper.


WG4: As part of the scope of WG4 for 2023, the chairmanship has been discussing the activities of the WG for the next year.

TF1 on Digitalization to develop a technical paper building on the SOA of Digitalization UCs, addressing the matter of scalability and market uptake for different projects with examples retrieved from the industry. The paper will also include a recommendation of KPIs as internal indicators considering the DAP. Additionally, the paper would also find ways to link the HLUCs to the text in order to be coherent with the IP.

TF2 (former TF3) will be refocusing the work on the customer/citizen engagement playbook, while involving more active members (SmartEn) and expanding the scope with different representatives. Moreover, the TF2 aims to organize another Round Table in Spring 2023 with representatives from different ETIP SNET WGs, BRIDGE, the Flex Community, etc.

Finally, in 2023 WG4 will take on a new work stream on Digitalisation Skills, which are a key focus on the EC agenda.


WG5: As part of the WG5 restructuring process, WG5 core members had a meeting with Santiago Gallego (WG1 co-chair) in order to discuss potential collaborations for 2023. In this sense, TF1 WG5 will work with WG1 on the new paper on efficient planning for the energy system that they will start developing in 2023. WG5 will contribute with a horizontal view regarding scalability and market uptake. TF1 WG5 members will participate in the meeting of WG1 to discuss the scope of the new paper in January.

Mahboubeh Hortamani will no longer be the Chair of WG5 since starting from January, Sergio Olivero will be the new chair and Mahboubeh will be co-chair. A meeting to define concrete actions for 2023 will take place at the beginning of January.