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Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert

Newsletter No. 128 | May 2024

Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert
Table of content


How can public procurement support the upskilling of the construction workforce on energy-efficiency skills? An nZEB guide for public procurers

A more energy-efficient building stock would help curb GHG emissions, energy consumption and support climate targets. Since 2021, all new buildings in the EU should reach the target nearly-zero energy building (or nZEB) standard, as defined by national governments. So, to help public authorities leverage their purchasing power, the EU-funded nZEB Ready project has developed a Public Procurement Guide.



How can Green Public Procurement accelerate the decarbonization of construction materials?

Joint interview with Jai Krishna from European Environmental Bureau and Tudor Cherhat from the Environmental Coalition on Standards. Mr. Krishna works with the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) as Zero Pollution Industry expert and is focussing on scaling the demand for green steel and low carbon cement demand in public procurement. Mr. Cherhat is a programme manager at Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS), overseeing campaign and promotion efforts focused on GPP for buildings and construction materials.


GPP Good Practice Examples

Green public procurement at Pesaro School: Enhancing sustainability in educational infrastructure - Pesaro, Italy

The city set the challenge of achieving a school building “friendly to the environment and people”, capable of creating favourable spaces for study and in harmony with the surrounding houses. The project specifically focused on exceeding the standards of a nearly zero-energy building (nZEB) and incorporating sustainable building practices.



Monitoring Progress in Green Public Procurement: IISD Report

Published in March 2024, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Report highlights the importance of monitoring progress on green public procurement (GPP) and offers some recommendations and methodologies for improvement. The report is focused on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and showcases GPP monitoring good practices from countries such as South Korea, Japan, Slovenia, Denmark, Malaysia and the Netherlands.


Embedding Project: Sustainable Procurement resources

This set of resources by the Embedding Project helps you understand the portfolio of practices you can employ to embed sustainability across your value chain. The sustainable procurement practices wheel identifies the practices required to embed sustainability into your procurement life cycle, shares what others are doing, and curates a selection of the most relevant resources and tools to help you get started.


European symposium on Responsible Public Procurement

The Bordeaux European Exchanges symposium is taking place on 7 June. This event is an opportunity to exchange perspectives between European stakeholders in regional public procurement on responsible European public procurement and their commitment to promoting regional economic development.



EC initiative that showcases how the use of public procurement can help to achieve far-reaching social goals. Have a look at the next training events


The GPP Helpdesk News Alert is an initiative of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment.

Editor: EU GPP Helpdesk


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