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EU Environment

January 2024 edition

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Year in review, with a taste of things to come

After a busy 2023 for environmental policy, 2024 is finally here. Every new year brings new hopes, and this one is no different, as the EU looks to build upon some of its remarkable achievements and progress when it comes to the European Green Deal.

Last year saw some crucial legislation enter into force, including new Regulations for Batteries and Deforestation, which you can read more about below.

Political agreements were also reached on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, the Nature Restoration Law and improving EU-wide investigation and prosecution of environmental crimes.

New important proposals were made too, including for soil and forest monitoring laws, as well as a Directive on substantiating environmental claims

But it’s not the end of the road. There's still much work to be done, as we move into a significant period when it comes to the implementation of environmental legislation and negotiations on remaining files under the Belgian EU Council presidency.

We also unveiled our water-related theme of EU Green Week 2024 earlier this month, which takes place at the end of May. You can find more info below in our events section.

And in February, we look forward to travelling to Africa with Euronews to see how the Deforestation Regulation is playing out in real-time.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter if you haven’t already and, of course, spread the word!

We hope you enjoy this month’s edition. Until next time.

Did you know?

81% of EU
habitats are in poor status

Every €1 invested into nature restoration adds €8-€38 in benefits  One in three bee and butterfly species are in decline 

A snapshot of 2023

Vehicles to get better end-of-life treatment

The Commission proposed new rules in July for the design, production and end-of-life treatment of vehicles. The aim is to improve access to resources within the EU while reducing raw material dependencies. For more info, take a look at our latest factsheet.


EU takes action to cut global deforestation

In one of the year’s biggest environmental wins, the Regulation on deforestation-free supply chains entered into force last June, answering European citizens’ wish to no longer drive global deforestation through their own consumption.


Safer and more sustainable batteries

The Batteries Regulation entered into force in August, ensuring that batteries are more sustainable and reused in a much more effective way. It’s the first piece of EU legislation that takes a full life-cycle approach in which sourcing, manufacturing, use and recycling are addressed and enshrined in a single law.


A victory for nature

A political agreement was reached in July between the European Council and Parliament on the Nature Restoration Law. This will require Member States to restore nature on at least 20 per cent of their land and marine areas by 2030. For more details read below.


Industrial emissions heading for carbon neutrality

Another agreement was reached between the Parliament and Council that will help limit polluting emissions more effectively from industrial installations, representing a huge win in the fight against the climate crisis. Watch out for more later this year.


Out with the old, in with the new

But not quite in the way you might think, after the Parliament and Council reached a political agreement in November on waste shipments. The old idea of exporting environmental challenges to third countries is out, while the new, more responsible one, is in.


Greening Ukraine's recovery

The Commission hosted a four-day conference in Vilnius in November that addressed the embattled country’s eventual economic recovery and how this can be done in the most sustainable and green way possible. Find out more about what we’re doing to help Ukraine.


Global biodiversity agreement one year on

December marked one year since 196 countries agreed upon the Kunming–Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework at the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15). The EU is now looking to accelerate progress in implementing the agreement ahead of this year’s COP16 in October.


2024 so far

Valencia goes Green

The Spanish city kicked off the new year as the European Green Capital 2024. Hundreds of activities and events are planned throughout the year, aimed at raising awareness of the triple planetary crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change.


Safer drinking water on the horizon

The Commission adopted new EU-wide hygiene standards for materials and products that come into contact with drinking water, making your water better and safer in the process. Click below for more.


Urban wastewater update

A political agreement was reached this week between the European Parliament and Council on the Commission’s proposal to revise the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, which will eventually lead to cleaner rivers, lakes, groundwater and seas all around Europe.


Science corner

Europe needs new flood and drought plans

2023’s record-breaking temperatures saw severe droughts in Europe, with a new study released last year suggesting that our drought and flood risk management strategies may need to be revisited. Our colleagues at Science for Environment Policy have the story.

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Hot stuff

What can you do when climate change hits close to home?

For starters, you can read this article from DG CLIMA, which lays out how you can adapt to soaring global temperatures, but also what cities across Europe are doing to mitigate some of the worst effects of the climate crisis, including nature-based solutions.

Subscribe for the latest CLIMA updates

Success stories

LIFE celebrates another successful year

CINEA compiles its top ten highlights of 2023, as it showcases some of its very best award-winning projects.


New LIFE in 2024

As for this year, here’s a roundup of what’s in store over the next 12 months. Buckle up!

Subscribe for the latest LIFE updates

Life according to GATIS – the world through our cartoonists’ eyes


What you see of fast fashion is not what it really is…

EU Environment

How does the EU intend to save our soil? Take a look.


See how you can get ahead of the curve already for summer 2024!

Upcoming Events - Want more in 2024?

ECHA 'Shaping Tomorrow' conference

The European Chemicals Agency conference on more sustainable and safer chemicals is taking place in Helsinki. In person registration is closed, but you can still follow online below.


European Circular Economy Stakeholder conference

Europe's top circular economy conference will be joining forces with the Belgian EU Council presidency and the World Circular Economy Forum. More info below.


EU Green Week 2024: Towards a water resilient Europe

It would be amiss not to mention this year's flagship green event. Don't miss out by clicking below!

Event listings

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EU Environment

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

European Green Deal

Catalogue number: KN-BN-24-001-EN-Q

© European Union, 2024

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ISSN: 2811-907X