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EU Environment

December edition – Sustainable products

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In this issue

"We will need the equivalent of almost three planets to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles, if we continue at this pace. The EU has committed to becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 and the way we treat products has a pivotal role to play in this journey."

Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries in his LinkedIn article on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Did you know?

90% of biodiversity loss and water stress comes from resource extraction and processing.

Up to 80% of a product’s life cycle environmental impact can be determined at the product design phase.  In 2021 the impact of EU ecodesign measures saved EUR 120 billion in energy expenditure for EU consumers. 

Find out more about the new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation.

Making products sustainable

Repair cafés, sustainable smartphones and product passports: Tackling Europe's throwaway culture

In this episode of The Road to Green, Euronews travels to Amsterdam and Luxembourg to speak to the entrepreneurs and researchers on the frontline of Europe's fight against e-waste.


Commission announces new ecodesign and energy labelling rules for household tumble dryers

The new rules will reduce the energy consumption of household tumble dryers and make it easier for them to be repaired. They have the potential to save around €2.8 billion for consumers.


EU Ecolabel use and recognition on the rise, new data shows

The official voluntary ecolabel of the European Union, the EU Ecolabel, is flourishing. There are now almost 90 000 certified goods and services in 25 different product groups available on the EU market.


New recommendations for national authorities to increase the return of used small electronics

The Commission has adopted a set of policy recommendations for Member States to improve and incentivise the return of used and waste mobile phones, tablets, laptops and their chargers.


Save the date for the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference 2024

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference will take place on 15 and 16 April 2024 in Brussels, with a twist!


Sustainable smartphones? Modular design promotes do-it-yourself repair to extend device life

This study shows that modular design (where product parts can be replaced and upgraded) is a promising way of extending product lifetimes. To realise this potential it is vital that people are willing to repair their devices.

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Success stories

Circular economy and sustainable footwear

Proudly awarded the EU Ecolabel, Kavat has become one of the most eco-friendly footwear manufacturers in Europe.


LIFE project aims to revolutionise Europe’s approach to recycling end-of-life tyres.

Around 300 million used car and truck tyres are discarded each year in the EU, but despite soaring rubber prices, fewer than 13 per cent are reused or recycled. LIFE GREEN VULCAN aims to change that.


Repair, reuse and recycle for success: award-winning LIFE RE-WEEE leads the way

More than three years after it officially closed, one of LIFE’s most successful projects lives on in Greece. A thriving legacy of repairing, reusing and recycling electronic equipment benefits citizens, businesses - and the environment.

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Seasonal sustainability

Here are five low-waste and sustainable suggestions for holiday gifts!

While gift-giving at this festive time of year is a tradition that dates back centuries, many of the products we give to each other contribute to the waste generated during the holiday period. So how can you find gifts that are thoughtful and personal, while at the same time being good for the environment?


How to reduce our festive waste this holiday season.

While the festive season is a time for treats, it also generates huge amounts of waste in the form of non-recyclable wrapping paper, plastic decorations and uneaten food. Here are our low-effort holiday hacks to lessen your festive waste!

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Social media highlights

Is the #NitratesDirective still effective today?

Have Your Say in our Open Public Consultation until 8 March 2024.


Improving the management of chemicals

Today, we adopted the ‘One substance, one assessment’ package.


Get ready for green holidays!

Here are some ideas for sustainable gifts and celebrations.


Top picks


Halting biodiversity loss: EU outlines achievements 1 year after adoption of global plan for nature and people

One year on from the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework, the EU has made progress in implementing the deal but more needs to be done ahead of COP16 in October 2024.



Implementation key to achieving EU 2030 climate and environment objectives, first progress report on 8th Environment Action Programme

The first progress report on the climate and environmental objectives of the 8th Environment Action Programme highlights what needs to be done to achieve the EU’s 2030 environmental targets.



European Commission launches competition for the 2026 European Green Capital and Green Leaf Winners

European cities committed to sustainability can apply for the 2026 edition of the European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards by 30 April 2024.



COP28: EU steps up cooperation with partner countries on deforestation-free supply chains and outlines further support measures

See how the Commission is continuing efforts with partner countries to ensure a successful transition to deforestation-free supply chains, including the launch of the Team Europe Initiative on deforestation and the EU Observatory on deforestation and forest degradation.



EU and Egypt sign joint declaration to boost cooperation on sustainable water management

The Joint Declaration, signed in the margins of COP28, establishes a sustainable water partnership and marks a step forward in EU-Egypt environmental cooperation, which is already long-established.



EU supports stepping up the protection of the Mediterranean Sea’s environment

At COP23 of the Barcelona Convention, the contracting parties to the convention agreed on several outcomes aiming to improve the environmental state of the Mediterranean Sea.



New Commission proposals for ‘one substance, one assessment' chemicals assessment reform for faster, simplified and transparent processes

The Commission adopted three legislative proposals to streamline assessments of chemicals across EU legislation, strengthen the knowledge base on chemicals and ensure early detection and action on emerging chemical risks.



Commission welcomes provisional agreement on improving classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals

While improving the functioning of the EU market regarding products containing hazardous chemicals, the new measures will better protect consumers, workers, and the environment.


Delivering the European Green Deal

Want to know which environmental policies have been delivered under the European Green Deal?

The European Green Deal is the EU’s plan to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Check out the new interactive webpage highlighting the state of play of the EU's environmental commitments.


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EU Environment

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

European Green Deal

Catalogue number: KH-BN-23-003-EN-Q

© European Union, 2023

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ISSN: 2811-907X