November edition - Clean air
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EU Environment

November edition - Clean air

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In this issue

"Delivering on the Green Deal and our zero pollution ambition means delivering on clean air. The benefits of this go much beyond the environment: clean air means healthier people, more social justice and a more efficient economy. And air pollution acts as an accelerator of existing social inequalities, so the green transition needs to happen, and needs to happen now. Clean air is not just a challenge. It’s a win-win opportunity for all of us." 

Maroš Šefčovič, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission

Air quality in a nutshell

Every year, as many as 300 000 Europeans die prematurely due to air pollution

Air pollution costs society at least 231 billion EUR per year  Today, about 70% fewer early deaths are attributable to air pollution compared to the 1990s.

Find out more about the Commission's proposal to revise the Ambient Air Quality Directives

In the spotlight

Highlights from the fourth Clean Air Forum

Policymakers and experts gathered in Rotterdam at the Fourth Clean Air Forum to discuss solutions to this pressing challenge. Watch what they had to say - recordings will soon be available.


How can we make our air cleaner? Find out in the latest episode of The Road to Green

Despite progress in recent decades, air pollution remains a major concern in the EU. Watch the latest episode of the Road to Green, taking us across Europe to explore possible solutions.


EEA report - air pollution levels still too high across Europe

According to the latest European Environment Agency (EEA) air quality health assessment, 253,000 deaths could have been avoided in the EU if fine particulate matter concentrations had met WHO recommendations.


Check the air quality where you live with the EEA's app

The app has now been launched in all EU languages and shows you the quality of the air you breathe.

Download on Android PlayStore or Apple iOS.


New Atlas zooms in on air pollutants in Europe's cities

Check out the latest edition of JRC's Urban PM2.5 Atlas, which pinpoints air pollution in 150 European cities and identifies the main sources.


Social media highlights


WATCH - How can we protect our health from air pollution?



Air Pollution acts as an accelerator of existing social inequalities.



The Forum addresses key measures to reduce air pollution - learn more


Success stories

Creating healthier urban communities through cleaner air

Based in the Flanders region of Belgium, LIFE CityTRAQ helps local administrators measure and analyse air quality and involve citizens in creating plans and initiatives to reduce pollution.


Clean air solutions for Slovakia

Slovakia has high levels of air pollution due to wood burning, transport, agriculture, and industry. See how the team behind this LIFE project aim to improve air quality across the country.


Boosting electric mobility research in island nations

Learn more about the Horizon NEEMO project, which explores ways to create clean mobility infrastructure in Malta.

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Science corner

Air pollution to blame for one-fifth of the global burden of newborn health disorders

Recent research suggests that the impact of air pollution from fine particulate matter is increasingly giving rise to neonatal disorders. Find out how exposure to bad air quality can severely affect the health of pregnant women and their newborns.


European health burden attributable to air pollution fell over three decades from 1990 to 2019

Researchers report that deaths attributable to air pollution dropped between 1990 and 2019, and argue that further progress should remain a European priority.

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Top picks


EU and Ukraine outline plans for sustainable reconstruction in a high-level conference

The four-day conference comprises a policy and a business segment and aims to discuss the strategies and concrete solutions underpinning a green recovery in Ukraine.



Commission proposes comprehensive monitoring to improve resilience of European forests

Forests are an essential ally in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. The Commission proposed a Forest Monitoring Law that will bridge the information gap on European forests.



Building Europe's climate resilience with nature-based solutions

This EEA briefing explores how nature-based solutions need to be scaled up and expanded to help Europe better cope with the impacts of climate change.



Infringements - key environmental decisions in November

The Commission has taken legal steps against Member States to ensure compliance with EU rules on water management, air quality, nature protection and water quality.


Delivering the European Green Deal

Want to know which environmental policies have been delivered under the European Green Deal?

The European Green Deal - the EU’s plan to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Check out the new interactive webpage highlighting the state of play of the EU's environmental commitments.


European Parliament and the Council reach agreement on four new laws to protect the environment

Find out more about the political agreements reached on industrial emissions, stronger control of waste exports, environmental crime and restoring nature.




Commission funds 171 new environmental and climate LIFE projects across Europe

Learn more about the 171 new projects across Europe that are worth more than €396 million. Projects from almost all countries will benefit from EU support to help achieve the EU’s climate, energy and environmental goals.



Call for proposals for net-zero technologies under the Innovation Fund

The Commission has opened the Innovation Fund's 2023 call for proposals with a record budget of €4 billion to support the deployment of innovative decarbonisation technologies. Apply by April 2024.

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EU Environment

Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

European Green Deal

Catalogue number: KH-BN-23-002-EN-Q

© European Union, 2023

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ISSN: 2811-907X