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EU Environment

September Special - Farming with Nature

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Image of hands holding tomatoes on a farm.

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In this issue

"Biodiversity and ecosystem services are vital for all of us in Europe. Loss of nature destroys not only the foundations of our life, but also our feeling of what constitutes home. We must protect it. At the same time, food security, in harmony with nature, remains an essential task."

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen

Farming with nature
How can we restore nature whilst guaranteeing our food security? Euronews explores in the latest episode of "The Road to Green"

Food production and a healthy planet can go hand in hand. In the latest episode of "The Road to Green", Euronews looks into successful examples of farming with nature in France and Finland.

Did you know that in the EU...

95% of our food is produced from soils

over 60% of European soils are unhealthy soil erosion causes a yearly agricultural productivity loss of €1.25 billion

Find out more about the Commission's recent proposal to improve soil monitoring and resilience.

Latest science

New study: Biodiversity and production of wine can be optimised simultaneously

Is organic wine a winning formula? New research suggests that it is possible to maximise agricultural output and biodiversity at the same time.


Researchers find benefits of organic fertiliser and crop rotation for beetles and soil-dwelling creatures

A new study has found that using organic fertiliser on croplands can lead to healthier soils. Discover how farmers can boost ecosystem services on croplands by practicing traditional diversification methods.

From green funding to action
LIFE for Insects: a restoration model on the White Carpathians

Find out more about the LIFE for Insects project. It aims to improve the status of endangered insect species in the Western Carpathians, including by introducing traditional forms of farming.

‘Olives for life’ project connects agriculture and biodiversity

The project developed an innovative model of olive growing - restoring biodiversity to the olive groves - with a model that can be used elsewhere in Europe.

Top social media stories

Teachers, help your students protect nature with this toolkit.


Only 7 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals!


Why is the EU Soil Law good for our farmers and foresters?

In case you missed it


Infringements - key environmental decisions in September

The Commission has taken legal steps against Member States to ensure compliance with EU rules on water management, nature, industrial emissions and environmental noise.



New measures to restrict intentionally added microplastics

To protect the environment and our health, the Commission adopted new rules that will prevent about half a million tonnes of microplastics being released to the environment.



A win for the ocean: High Seas Treaty signed at United Nations

President von der Leyen signed the landmark Treaty for the High Seas - to protect the ocean, tackle environmental degradation, fight climate change, and prevent biodiversity loss in the high seas.



New EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and reusable menstrual cups

The new ambitious criteria ensure that these products are good quality and among the best on the market in terms of environmental performance, throughout the product's whole lifecycle.



New law on more sustainable, circular and safe batteries enters into force

Batteries are a key technology to drive the green transition, support sustainable mobility and contribute to climate neutrality by 2050. Find out more about the new law that entered into force in August.

Get involved

23/11/2023 - 24/11/2023

Register for the Clean Air Forum

Sign up now to reserve your spot at the fourth Clean Air Forum, taking place this year in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Registrations are open to anyone interested in improving our air quality, and close on 6 November.


21/11/2023 - 23/11/2023

Pre-register for the first ever European Mission Soil Week

Be part of the solution to protect and restore soil health - pre-register for European Mission Soil Week. The event will bring together the European soil community to discuss the challenges for healthy soils and propose solutions.



Calling all researchers working on nature-based solutions

The European Biodiversity Partnership have launched a call for research proposals on "Nature-Based Solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change". Submit your pre-proposal by 10 November.



Make a difference: Join the European Climate Pact

Are you ready to make a difference in the fight against climate change? Apply to become a European Climate Pact Ambassador by 15 October!


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