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  25 January 2023  


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Key events in 2022
Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference | Brussels and online, 14 December 2022

The Conference to discuss the first Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook 2022 brought together around 100 participants in person, from Member States, regional and municipal administrations, businesses, NGOs and academia, as well as about 400 people who connected to the live broadcast throughout the day.

45th Anniversary of EU-ASEAN relations | Brussels, 14 December 2022

The first-ever summit between the leaders of EU and ASEAN member states marked 45 years of diplomatic relations. The meeting also addressed important sustainable development, climate and energy issues.

42nd session of the Executive Body of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution | Geneva, 12-16 December 2022

The main issue on the agenda was the conclusion of the review and evaluation of the amended Gothenburg Protocol (GP), which had been ongoing since 2020.

EU at COP15 Global Biodiversity Conference | Montreal and online, 7-19 December 2022

The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) was the biggest biodiversity conference in a decade. On 19 December 2022, world leaders adopted the historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework with goals and targets to protect and restore nature.

World Circular Economy Forum | Kigali, 5-8 December 2022

How can circular solutions be implemented to mitigate climate change and halt biodiversity loss? What are the most exciting solutions already making more out of what we have? How can international trade be a key enabler for the circular economy?

30th anniversary of the UNECE Convention on industrial accidents prevention | Geneva, 29 November – 1 December 2022

The 12th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents (TEIA CoP-12) recognised the need to address emerging issues of concern for industrial safety, including energy transition and changes of energy sources, cybersecurity, Natech risks in view of wildfires from heatwaves, waste treatment and opportunities in relation to ore-sand and mine-tailing, and the Convention’s relation to these.

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Intergovernmental Working Group on Droughts | Bonn and online, 29-30 November 2022

The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Mr Ibrahim Thiaw, in his opening remarks underlined the urgency and importance of addressing the drought holistically, as the world has never been so affected by dry spells as it is today. Therefore, the Intergovernmental Working Group on Droughts (IWG) is expected to provide further guidance and advice for the upcoming COP16 to move the global drought agenda.

1st Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-1) | Punta del Este and online, 28 November - 2 December 2022

In a historic decision at the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in March 2022, Member States agreed to negotiate an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, setting an ambitious timeline to conclude negotiations in 2024.

42nd meeting of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention | Strasbourg and online, 28 November - 2 December 2022

Contracting Parties, observers, NGO representatives and experts discussed the outcomes of activities implemented throughout 2022, and activities planned for 2023. In particular, the Standing Committee discussed the Bern Convention´s contribution to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

CITES COP19 | Panama, 14-25 November 2022

A total of 44 proposals were adopted to amend the Convention’s appendices, which list the species subject to trade restrictions. Of these, 13 have been submitted by the EU as the main proponent or as co-proponent: on marine species, reptiles, amphibians and tropical trees. Overall, the EU helps achieve stricter trade regulations for more than 500 species threatened by international trade.

58th Session of the Council of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) | Yokohama, 7-11 November 2022

The Council made four decisions, including one to endorse six project proposals, three of which received full funding to commence immediately.

XVII Conference of the Parties of the Alpine Convention and the Simplon Alliance | Brig, 27 October 2022

Ministers of the environment or their representatives from the eight Alpine countries, as well as delegates from the European Commission, discussed the consequences of climate change on the hydrological cycle in the Alps, exploring key questions about drought management measures and concrete proposals to implement the Climate Action Plan 2.0 and the 2020 Water Declaration.

WTO Trade and Environment Week 2022 and Workshop on Circularity and Trade | Geneva and online, 17-21 October 2022

This event was a forum for government officials, business representatives, international organizations, academics, and civil society to discuss ways to make global trade more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive.

29th Plenary meeting of the International Resource Panel | Paris, 17-21 October 2022

Enabling just transitions, enhancing resource efficiency, addressing sufficiency, and promoting the circular economy were among the key themes discussed at the in-person meeting of International Resource Panel (IRP).

4th ASEAN-EU High-level Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change | Cambodia, 6 October 2022

Both sides exchanged on latest policy developments in their respective regions. ASEAN provided key updates on their cooperation on the environment and climate change, guided by the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework, while the EU shared information on the implementation of the European Green Deal and the envisioned development of programmes under the Green Team Europe Initiative.

9th Environment for Europe (EfE) Ministerial Conference | Nicosia, 5-7 October 2022

At the Conference the 54 countries of the pan-European region committed to greening their economies and infrastructures and to intensify education for sustainable development.

26th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO26) | Rome, 3-7 October 2022

COFO26 provided a platform for exchange and dialogue among participants and gave strategic direction for the future work of FAO in forestry.

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Commissioner’s missions
Opening of the Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE) 2022 and meetings in Vietnam| 27-28 November 2022

The objective of the mission was to attend and open, together with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, the first Green Economy Forum & Exhibition (GEFE) 2022, organised by the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) in Vietnam, and to have bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Chinh, the Minister for Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Tran Hong Ha and the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Le Minh Hoan.

Mission of Commissioner Virginijus SinkeviÄŤius to Moldova I Chisinau, 25-26 November 2022

The purpose of the visit was to discuss important issues of bilateral cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Moldova. Topics included: the critical energy situation, Moldova’s perspective as an EU candidate country, the main environmental challenges of the country, the European Green Deal and issues of regional cooperation.

Mission of Commissioner Virginijus SinkeviÄŤius to Japan | 9-11 November 2022

The mission took place in the context of a steady deepening of EU-Japan relations over the last years, with the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), then an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), followed by the 2021 Green Alliance and the 2022 Digital Partnership — Japan being the first country with which the EU signs each type of partnership.

Events from January to March 2023
Open Ended Working Group on a Science-Policy Panel on chemicals, waste and pollution
The OEWG will include Governments and regional economic integration organizations, and will be open to observers from United Nations entities, relevant multilateral agreements, other international instruments and intergovernmental bodies, including those who are members of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, and stakeholder representatives.
date 24/01/2023
venue Bangkok, Thailand
Organiser UNEP
55th session of the Implementation Committee to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)
The Committee is expected to follow up on actions to be taken by the concerned Parties.
date 31/01/2023 - 03/02/2023
venue Palais des Nations (Online), Geneva, Switzerland
Organiser UNECE
Thirteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-13)
Some of the topics to be discussed at OEWG-13 will be the strategic framework, the work to improve the operation of the prior informed consent procedure, as well as technical guidelines...
date 21/02/2023 - 23/02/2023
venue Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), 17 rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland.
Organiser United Nations
7th EU-Central Asia High-level Conference on Environment and Water, EU-Central Asia Platform on Environment
The conference will: a) present the results of the activities of the EU-Central Asia Platform for Environment and Water Cooperation and its Working Group on Environment and Climate Change (WGECC) since January 2019;  b) identify priority areas for the EU-CA Platform for 2023-2025; c) discuss and agree on practical steps for enhancing policy dialogue and capacity development in the field of environment, climate change and water in Central Asia.
date 22/02/2023 - 24/02/2023
venue Rome, Italy
Organiser Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs
UN Water Conference
The 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028), known as the UN 2023 Water Conference, will include an opening and closing session, six plenary sessions, and five interactive dialogues, as well as side events organised by participants.
date 22/03/2023 - 24/03/2023
venue UN Headquarters in New York
Organiser UN Water
Green Week 2023
This annual event organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, creates an opportunity to debate and promote the European environmental policy. Next to a high-level event taking place in Brussels, it is also a festival of partner events that can be organised by any entity that is willing to take the European Green Deal messages across Europe, and beyond.
date 03/06/2023 - 11/06/2023
venue Brussels
Organiser European Commission Directorate-General for Environment
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EU legislative developments
Preliminary deal reached on a new legislation on deforestation-free products, 6 December 2022

On 6 December 2022, MEPs reached a preliminary agreement with EU governments on the proposed legislation to fight climate change and biodiversity loss, which will oblige companies to ensure that a series of products sold in the EU do not come from deforested land anywhere in the world.

Circular Economy package II, adopted 30 November 2022

The Commission proposed new EU-wide rules on packaging, to tackle this constantly growing source of waste and to ensure reusable packaging options, eliminate unnecessary packaging, limit over packaging, and provide clear labels to support correct recycling. The proposals will put the packaging sector on track for climate neutrality by 2050.

Revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking, adopted on 11 November 2022

The Commission has adopted a revised EU Action Plan to put an end to the lucrative global black market in illegal wildlife trade, which contributes to the depletion or extinction of entire species and furthers zoonotic diseases.

Zero Pollution Package, adopted on 26 October 2022

The Commission proposed stronger rules on ambient air, surface and groundwater pollutants, and treatment of urban wastewater to ensure a stronger protection of air and water which are essential for the health of people and ecosystems.

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