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ETV - Environmental Technology Verification


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The EU ETV newsletter is back!
We are delighted to share with you some upcoming news from the renewed Environmental Technology Verification programme including an upcoming webinar and project updates.

The ETV newsletter is a bi-yearly publication with the aim to provide technology developers, investors, buyers and policymakers with up to date news about ETV.

Webinar: Build competitive advantage for your green innovation
Join us for our online webinar and learn more about how EU ETV can help businesses, technology buyers and investors build a competitive advantage for green technologies.

During the 2-hour webinar, you will learn how the EU ETV process works, how ETV supports EU and national-level policy, and be presented with a variety of case studies that showcase the benefits of EU ETV.

The webinar takes place on 29 September 2021 from 10:00-12:00 CEST and will be held online. Registered participants will receive a meeting link to join the event.

Registration Register now!
See also More information about the event
Read more on ETV
FuturaMat: ETV for a bioplastics manufacturer in France

FuturaMat is a bioplastic compounder based near Poitiers, France, that develops and markets bioplastics in order to both use renewable raw materials and provide an alternative to using fossil fuel resources.

The company has already verified several of its formulations through the ETV process. The ETV Secretariat team recently spoke to FuturaMat to ask about their experience of the programme.

CSTB: A Verification body specialising in testing for ETV
The Scientific and Technical Centre for Building (CSTB) is an ETV verification body headquartered in Marne-la-Vallée, France.

In a recent ETV interview, the Secretariat spoke to the CSTB about their experience operating as a verification body within the EU ETV programme. Learn more about what makes them a specialist in testing for ETV.

EU LIFE Programme supports ETV

The new LIFEproETV project supports the promotion, market acceptance and recognition of ETV. It aims to explore the potential of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV), communicate it to stakeholders and thereby boost the market acceptance and recognition of the scheme.

The new project is co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE Programme.

ETV: How does it work?
Get your products and technologies verified!

ETV is a straightforward process that reassures your customers and gives you a competitive edge. There are verification bodies in a range of EU countries able to test and validate the performance of your environmental technology, providing a guarantee to your market. Find out how it works.

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For more information, please visit the Environmental Technology Verification website.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions concerning the content of this newsletter or questions related to the pilot programme, please contact us at secretariat@eu-etv.eu.

You may unsubscribe from this newsletter by going to your profile or by contacting us at secretariat@eu-etv.eu
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