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LIFE Programme


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Final deadlines for LIFE climate action and integrated projects proposals

Two important reminders: the deadline for the submission of concept notes for LIFE integrated projects is Thursday, 5 September. Applicants to the LIFE climate action sub-programme have until Thursday, 12 September to submit their full proposals for traditional LIFE projects.

LIFE funds species protection on islands across the globe

Island habitats can be biodiversity hotspots and critical sites for nesting migratory birds. LIFE projects address their urgent conservation needs – from the Azores to La Réunion. Here are 6 of them.

European Natura 2000 Award: Apply by 30 September

LIFE nature projects, don't miss the chance to apply for the European Natura 2000 Award! Check the six categories and fill in your application form before 30 September 2019.

Share your LIFE project photo, get postcards for free

Do you have a great photo of your LIFE project? Send it with a short description to #EUinmyRegion and get a chance to receive free postcards for your own communication activities.

Movie time: subscribe to our Youtube channel

Keen to learn more about nature conservation, waste management or climate action? We have collected videos on a wide range of LIFE projects. Check our YouTube playlists, subscribe to our channel and press play!


16/09/2019 - 22/09/2019

European Mobility Week: Organise a mobility day in your city!

If your LIFE project is doing something to promote the idea of sustainable urban mobility, register for European Mobility Week 2019! This year's campaign puts the spotlight on safe walking and cycling.


17/09/2019 - 18/09/2019

LIFE platform meeting on nature restoration on intensified farmland

Save the date: LIFE projects will meet in Lhee, the Netherlands, to share innovations and best practices around nature restoration on intensified farmland. The platform meeting is as part of the LIFE project ‘Going up a level’.

Project news
Rare Finnish freshwater seal gains extra legal protection

This seal is one of the world’s rarest and most endangered seals, confined since the last ice age to the freshwaters of Lake Saimaa. LIFE Saimaa Seal's team increased the seal population by addressing some of its main threats.

Transforming onboard waste recycling on aeroplanes

Cabin waste recycling is a difficult task onboard flights, where space is limited and waste is mixed together. A LIFE project team have produced a modified waste collection container which is being rolled out during summer 2019 on all flights by its lead partner Iberia.

Stopping forest fires starts early in Hungary

Changes in land use and climate have greatly increased the scale and frequency of forest fires in Hungary in recent decades. Raising awareness of this climate change impact is crucial to increasing resilience. The FIRELIFE project provided training in forest fire prevention.

About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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