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Peer learning activities on graduate tracking in vocational education and training (VET)

The European Commission has organised two online peer learning events on VET graduate tracking in the last few months, as part of the European Year of Skills. The first event focused on ‘Making effective use of graduate tracking surveys at system and local level’ and was hosted by Sweden in May 2023. The second event focused on ‘Using graduate tracking systems within an outcomes-based VET system’ and was hosted by Ireland in June 2023.

date:  25/07/2023

A peer learning event on ‘Making effective use of graduate tracking surveys at system and local level’ was organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) in Sweden in May 2023. The peer learning event provided information on the design, implementation and use of graduate tracking systems in initial vocational education and training (IVET) and higher vocational education (HVE) in Sweden. It also provided examples of provider-level graduate tracking systems and how this is supported by national agencies. The peer learning event also included presentations from France on two of the different measures they have in place to track graduates, including a survey-based measure (the generations survey) and a measure using linked administrative data (Inserjeunes). 

The peer learning event identified that many participants have the same challenges in using administrative and survey information and taking them to the next level to link the datasets. Whichever data collection method is used, it is important to make the added value clear and the method as user-friendly as possible. Social media (e.g. LinkedIn) gamification and nudging can be used to address challenges around response rates. The move towards micro-credentials raises important questions around how to capture the competences and skills gained and how they are used in the labour market. It is important for policy makers and practitioners to collaborate, share new knowledge, tools and innovations particularly around the transition to digital and green skills. 

There are however examples of good practice that can be employed to support the use of surveys in graduate tracking. Central to this is utilising the expertise and relationships of providers with students. However, this needs to be underpinned by awareness raising to ensure there is widespread understanding of the value of graduate tracking, and providers seeing a key path to how graduate tracking can improve their provision.

Another peer learning event on ‘Using graduate tracking systems within an outcomes-based VET system’ was hosted by Ireland in June 2023. It provided information on the graduate tracking system in Ireland and how the data is used to provide practical insights to inform the delivery of VET. It also provided examples from the regional Education and Training Education Boards (ETBs) on how they use graduate tracking to inform their local VET provision.  The event also included presentations from the Netherlands on how graduate tracking system is collected and used at policy level, and from Denmark on how the Danish graduate survey contributes to a guidance tool, EducationZoom, to help guide prospective students to make informed choices.

The peer learning event showcased a good practice example of graduate tracking, which is based on live data. The Irish case also demonstrated how the inclusion of targets in strategic agreements and a clear relationship between outcomes and funding can help to create ‘buy-in’ to graduate tracking from VET providers. Lastly, the examples presented (from Ireland, the Netherlands and Denmark) all outlined the importance of transparency and communication, translating complex information into easy-to-understand information for providers, stakeholders, and learners.