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Register now for the Webinar on ‘Sharing practice and experience in relation to European surveys and data protection’, 30 March 2023

There are a number of European surveys focusing on learners, citizens and graduates. This webinar is an opportunity to discuss how European surveys operate and how they have addressed data protection issues. The experiences of existing European surveys can offer opportunities to learn and think about the organisation of the next European higher education graduate survey.

date:  27/01/2023

The webinar will take place online on 30 March 2023, between 14.00 and 16.00 CET, and will include presentations from two well-established European surveys:

  • Eurostudent collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics relating to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. Eurostudent provides reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through linking a central coordination approach with a network of national partners in each participating country.
  • European Social Survey (ESS) has operated across Europe since 2001. The survey, based on a one-hour face-to-face interview every two years, measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of participants from more than 30 nations. The ESS data portal includes information on social conditions and indicators; social behaviour and attitudes; general health and well-being; political behaviour and attitudes; political ideology; minority groups in society; cultural and national identity; the media; equality, inequality and social exclusion; language and linguistics; religion and values; family life and marriage.

The webinar, based on presentations from these two long-standing European surveys, will consider:

  • how the surveys are managed and the role of national actors/agencies;
  • how national/regional data is combined to complete a European picture;
  • how data is collected, cleaned, analysed and used as the basis for reporting;
  • how data is stored, kept safe and personal data is protected;
  • how data is used, presented and made accessible for external users; and
  • challenges faced by each of the European surveys.

The experiences from these surveys will support the preparations for the next European higher education graduate survey. The EUROGRADUATE consortium is currently implementing the second pilot of the European higher education graduate survey, based on information from individual graduates in 17 countries. This information is collected by national research teams. To guarantee the anonymity of individual graduates their names, email addresses and other contact data are always kept separate from the survey information. All contact information remains within countries. Graduates’ data and responses are brought together in an anonymised form to provide a European analysis (i.e. before sharing the data with the participating national research team it undergoes further anonymisation to exclude identification of individuals). It is this data that forms the basis for the final analyses of the European higher education graduate survey. This analysis includes information from graduates who are internationally mobile and have completed the survey while working abroad.

If you wish to attend this webinar, please register here.