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Special Issue on European Higher Education Graduates in Research in Comparative and International Education

A special issue on “European Higher Education Graduates – Formation, Acquisition, and Suitability of Skills” edited by Katarina Wessling, who is a member of the EUROGRADUATE consortium, will be published in March 2023 in Research in Comparative and International Education. It is dedicated to provide an international -in particular European - perspective on skills with a specific focus on higher education graduates. It particularly aims to provide room for research on less studied European countries to create a more complete picture of skill utilisation. Additionally, the special issue is geared towards methodological issues in surveying skills on higher education graduates in different national contexts and in an internationally comparative perspective. In this context, at least three of the seven articles featured in the Special Issue base their results on data from EUROGRADUATE 2018.

date:  27/01/2023

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