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Update on graduate tracking activities in vocational education and training (VET)

National level administrative data sources contain a lot of information that could be used for providing comparable linked administrative data or for delivering a survey of VET graduates. At the request of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), a study, covering each EU Member State, was carried out on such information. The study is due to be finalised in the Autumn 2022.

date:  30/08/2022

The study, led by ICF, has two parts: the first part looks at the availability and comparability of data stored in national administrative data sources/registers, whilst the second part is considering the feasibility of sampling for an (international) graduate tracking survey in VET. It will provide insights on:

  • analysing the quality and comparability of the data sources;
  • identifying a core set of derived variables from national linked administrative data suitable for comparative purposes;
  • testing the potential structure of a repository of the variables that match standards for quality and comparability;
  • mapping available data sources and systems for completing a graduate survey in each Member States; and
  • assessing these sources/systems against the requirements for ensuring a consistent survey approach