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Working Group on ‘Preparing for the next European higher education graduate survey’ met for the first time

A preliminary meeting of the Working Group on ‘Preparing for the next European higher education graduate survey’ took place online (Teams) on 14 July 2022, and was attended by 19 participants representing 9 Member States/EEA countries (NRPs), the European Commission and European-level stakeholders and social partners.

date:  30/08/2022

The aim of this preliminary meeting was to initiate the Working Group discussions and further define the Working Group mandate, including its objectives, scope, tasks and outputs. It also provided an opportunity to brainstorm on the most pertinent areas for consideration and discussion in the Working Group. The participants highlighted and discussed several topics as being priorities and challenges for the Working Group, but it is expected that the Working Group will focus on the following three elements:

  • Improving cooperation with HEIs and reaching a greater share of the graduate population (including mobile graduates);
  • Integrating graduate surveys and other sources of data, including administrative/register-based data; and
  • Improving the response rate of graduate surveys and finding effective ways to use, present and disseminate the results.

A further three meetings are foreseen for this Working Group, and the next meeting is planned for 4 October 2022. Subsequent meetings will take place in December 2022/January 2023 and March/April 2023.

The Working Group will report its findings at the Annual Network Meeting in May 2023.