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Launch of the European Network of Graduate Tracking

The newly established Network of Graduate Tracking, created by the European Commission, was officially launched at the first Annual Network Meeting in May 2022 (see below). The main objectives of the Network are to support EU Members States and EEA countries with the implementation of the Council Recommendation on tracking graduates and promote the cooperation and learning in the European graduate tracking initiative. This newsletter aims to bring you the latest news from the Network, European-level discussions and policy developments, recent national initiatives and dates for your diary.

date:  30/08/2022

The European Network of Graduate Tracking provides a forum for discussion, collaboration and co-creation, by:

  • providing collaborative opportunities for peer learning in both the design and implementation of graduate tracking systems;
  • creating a forum for discussion and the analysis of European solutions and common approaches to collecting, collating and analysing graduate tracking data; and
  • bringing together expertise from a wide range of stakeholders to support those EU Member States and EEA countries which are developing and using administrative data and/or survey systems for graduate tracking.

The Network consists of national graduate tracking reference points (NRPs), as nominated by EU/EEA countries; representatives of the European Commission (DG EAC, DG EMPL, Eurostat, the Joint Research Centre and Cedefop); and European-level stakeholders and social partners representing students, HE and VET institutions, teachers and workers[1].

In line with the final recommendations of the European Commission expert group on graduate tracking (2018-2020), a Support Service (provided by ICF in association with 3s) has been contracted to support the Network and the implementation of the European Graduate Tracking Initiative. In addition, a Support Group, consisting of up to seven (NRPs) and the European Commission, has been set up to provide guidance for the practical work of the Network (and the Support Service) towards the implementation of European Graduate Tracking Initiative. This will include commenting on and discussing the annual work programmes, and providing guidance and support for different Network activities, including peer learning activities, webinars, working groups and internal and external communication activities.

The Support Group currently consists of six NRPs (Austria, Belgium-FR (observer), Croatia, Finland, Germany and Italy) and representatives from the European Commission (DG EAC, DG EMPL, Eurostat and the Joint Research Centre).

The first meeting of the Support Group took place on 7 June 2022 and was used to finalise the rules of procedures for the Network and the mandate for the Support Group. It was also used to discuss priority topics for working groups, peer learning activities and webinars.

[1] European University Association (EUA), European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), European Vocational Training Association (EVTA), European Students’ Union (ESU), Erasmus Student Network (ESN), European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) and European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).