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Start of the EUROGRADUATE field survey in Croatia and the launch of a national EUROGRADUATE website

The Croatian national research team announced the implementation of the field phase of the EUROGRADUATE survey in Croatia at a national event hosted by the Ministry of Science and Education in December 2022. In connection with the event, a national EUROGRADUATE website was also launched.

date:  26/01/2023

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On 9 December 2022, the launch of the field phase in the EUROGRADUATE survey was announced at an event hosted by the Ministry of Science and Education. The event was held as a kick-off activity within the Erasmus+ project ‘GT Croatia’ with the aim to present the project team and planned activities which will provide support to the implementation of the EUROGRADUATE survey.

Representatives from the Ministry of Science and Education - State Secretary for Higher Education, Ivica Šušak, and Head of the Sector for Development of Higher Education, Dijana Mandić, emphasized the importance of graduate tracking for the policy development in higher education. They presented activities carried out by the Ministry with the aim to develop the graduate tracking system in Croatia and enhance the quality of higher education in Croatia. They also thanked all stakeholders for their support with the preparation and implementation of the EUROGRADUATE survey.

The Head of the national EUROGRADUATE research team, Ph.D. Professor Ivan Rimac, shared the experiences and results from the previous EUROGRADUATE pilot survey and announced the implementation of the next phase of the EUROGRADUATE survey to begin on 12 December 2022. Igor Drvodelić, a member of the national EUROGRADUATE research team, recalled previous national efforts to develop a national system for graduate tracking.

All stakeholders expressed their readiness to support the implementation of the EUROGRADUATE survey. There was a common assessment that graduate tracking is useful in many ways for Croatia and that all stakeholders eagerly await the results of the next EUROGRADUATE survey.

As part of the Erasmus+ project ‘GT Croatia’ and within the framework of the implementation of the 2022 EUROGRADUATE survey in Croatia, a national EUROGRADUATE website was launched on 8 December 2022.

The website EUROGRADUATE.HR was developed with multiple purposes. It serves as an entrance point to the EUROGRADUATE survey and provides guidance for graduates wishing to participate in the survey. The website also contributes to the visibility of the Erasmus+ project ‘GT Croatia’ and activities organised within the EUROGRADUATE framework.

The project team invited all relevant stakeholders in Croatia to use the website as a forum for the exchange of experiences and activities in graduate tracking and to send relevant information and news that could be published on the website and shared with others.