Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  31 January 2024  

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Welcome to 2024!

In times of uncertainty marked by energy fluctuations, supply chain disruptions and geopolitical tensions, the Smart City Marketplace (SCM) offers also for 2024 a pragmatic approach to addressing climate challenges. Rather than spinning an old record, the Marketplace focuses on innovative yet practical solutions to advance climate mitigation and adaptation. 

The SCM prioritises turning project ideas into bankable realities, recognising the need for financial viability amid the complexities of the current challenging situation. By embracing co-creation, the Marketplace encourages collaborative efforts through its Focus and Discussion groups and co-created Solution Booklets, ensuring that proposed ideas align with environmental goals and on-the-ground practicality. 

A recent update to our website introduces an easily navigable wiki structure, including translating the Smart City Guidance Package into the Green Cities Wiki. This user-friendly platform allows stakeholders to engage with and contribute to the SCM's knowledge base, fostering a more accessible and collaborative environment. 

As part of the Belgian presidency of the EU (January-June 2024), the Marketplace collaborates with Belgian authorities participating in an event to translate the EU Green Deal into local action, aiming to make tangible strides in sustainable practices. This pragmatic approach demonstrates the SCM's commitment to providing a blueprint for effective climate solutions. 

In essence, the Smart Cities Marketplace offers a measured response to the challenges at hand. By emphasising practicality, collaboration and accessibility, the platform helps navigating the complexities of our time with a focus on tangible outcomes. In doing so, the Marketplace invites you to join its grounded and realistic approach to building a more sustainable and resilient future. 

Georg Houben, Policy Officer, Directorate General, European Commission

Smart Cities Marketplace News

Explore: Urban Reverb: REPowerEU

This episode of the Urban Reverb podcast discusses the REPower EU initiative. Listen to Paula Pinho, Director of the European Commission's DG Energy, Eckart Würzner the Mayor of Heidelberg and Sofia Barbosa the Director of Regulatory Affairs for a European energy services company (GreenVolt).


Explore: Urban Reverb: The Family

"Urban Reverb - The Family" highlights various European initiatives, including the Covenant of Mayors, Scalable Cities, and NetZeroCities, aiming to drive sustainability in cities.


Explore: Watch now - Urban Insights Episode 1

In this video Georg Houben, Project Officer of DG ENER and responsible for the Smart Cities Marketplace, discusses the urgency of addressing climate change, particularly in Europe, where the EU Green Deal aims to make the continent climate-neutral by 2050. The video is available in German and English.


Urban Insights: Cooperation as a Driver of Change in Cities

In this episode of Urban Insights, interviewees discuss the importance of cooperation for the transition to smarter, more sustainable and liveable cities. Listen to Han Vandevyvere (SCM), Fons Janssen (European Climate Ambassador for the Netherlands), Stefano Tarantola, (Joint Research Centre of the EC) and Simone van Raaij (Province of South Holland).


Explore: Updated Solution Booklet: PV and Battery

This updated booklet emphasises the dynamic role of batteries in the evolving energy landscape, highlighting their potential beyond traditional static installations. With the surge in electric vehicles, car batteries emerge as valuable assets for storing energy.


News from the Community of the Smart Cities Marketplace

Explore: Scalable Cities is launching the 5th Call for Visitor Cities for a site visit in Munich

Join us in Munich between March 6th - 8th 2024 for an enriching three-day event. This presents an exceptional opportunity for visitor cities to gain insights into the achievements offered by the ASCEND project.


Explore: Scalable Cities Call for Experts on Energy Communities is now OPEN!

The call for experts aims to support the Task Group Energy Communities to analyse approaches used by cities in Smart Cities and Communities projects to establish energy communities, emphasising social sustainability and citizen engagement.


Explore: Let’s Make 2024 the Mayors’ Year!

This year, European elections will take place and with that a new Commission will be established. The European Green Deal will officially be rooted into European law, with the recent adoption of the remaining components of the ‘Fit for 55’ Package.


Shape: Scalable Cities Call for Experts is now OPEN!

Scalable Cities is thrilled to announce a new Call for Experts with five distinctive topics. The Scalable Cities Expert Group is a networking and co-working community of experienced and motivated smart city experts.


Shape: Unlock the path to net zero emissions: New Covenant of Companies Guide on Clean Energy Transition

The Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy has published its new Clean Energy Transition guide. From guidance on how to develop clean energy transition plans to addressing sector-specific challenges, the guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for EU enterprises.


Explore: Scalable Cities Announces Calendar of Events for the City Coordinators Group

Scalable Cities would like to present a new calendar of events for the City Coordinators Group. The Group gathers cities to address specific challenges and create a space for the co-design of shared solutions.


Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace

Explore: Welcome to the Govtech Connect startup survey

GovTech Connect is embarking on an ambitious journey as a pilot project within the European Commission's DG Connect, aiming to revolutionise the digitisation of the public sector and advance the Green Transition in Europe.


Deal: CircularPSP – Launch of Tender

The EU pre-commercial procurement project CircularPSP launched a €5.64 million tender (Contract Notice and PIN on TED) for Suppliers to design, develop and test an innovative ‘circular economy solution’ (CE-solution).


Explore: Citizen-led renovation Initiative Publishes Factsheets about Pilot Countries

The project Citizen-Led renovation aims to empower energy communities and put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy-saving renovation projects. In the course of the project, four energy communities in four different countries are assisted to deliver citizen-led energy renovations and renewable energy installations.


Shape: SMCNetZero Blog: Illuminating the Path to Energy Efficiency

The SMCNetZero project has recently identified some significant roadblocks on the path to achieving net-zero in SMCs. When it comes to energy efficiency in small and medium-sized cities, there is a significant need to break down silo thinking.



Explore: Webinar - Solutions for Low Noise Road Surfaces

The Commission is promoting a webinar to explain to local authorities, in simple and practical terms, what the possibilities are to use low-noise road surfaces, thanks to several past EU-funded projects and solutions engineered.
date 06/02/2024

Explore: Join the Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking Info Session

Register for the info session and learn all about the matchmaking opportunities of the Marketplace as well as the ongoing call for applications and the Urban Transition Challenge.
date 13/02/2024

Explore: Webinar - Como os municípios podem beneficiar de consultoria gratuita da Comissão Europeia?

O Smart Cities Marketplace, da Comissão Europeia, é uma iniciativa independente e não comercial, apoiada pela Comissão Europeia, que junta cidades, empresas e investidores com o propósito de tornar as cidades e comunidades mais resilientes, sustentáveis e inclusivas.
date 28/02/2024

Explore: STARDUST Final Conference

Scalable Cities project STARDUST will be hosting its final event in Pamplona, Spain. STARDUST project is part of the Smart Cities and Communities family of project under the Scalable Cities.
date 28/02/2024 - 29/02/2024

Explore: ASCEND General Assembly

The ASCEND project organises its second General Assembly event which will be held in Munich. The event will be filled with plenary sessions and workshops focused on the progress and achievements of ASCEND Lighthouse and Multiplier cities in their quest to develop and replicate Positive Clean Energy Districts.
date 06/03/2024 - 08/03/2024

Explore: Smart Cities Marketplace @ 11th Procura+ Conference

This year the Smart Cities Marketplace will present at the 11th Procura+ conference covering the topic of "Procuring Smart Solutions".
date 13/03/2024 - 14/03/2024

Explore: Conference for Mayors

The Government of Flanders will gather 550 mayors and representatives of local governments to the conference “Translating the EU green deal to local action”, in Brussels, within the framework of the Belgian EU Presidency.
date 15/03/2024


In the framework of its yearly summit gathering more than 35,000 impact changemakers from 120 countries, ChangeNOW has developed a dedicated day to mayors and cities representatives, the Sustainable Cities Program, where the Smart Cities Marketplace will join with experts and a stand.
date 27/03/2024

Clean energy for EU islands forum 2024

This isn't just a conference; it's an opportunity for us to connect, collaborate, and make positive changes together. Participate in interactive sessions, workshops, and discussions focusing on key aspects of island sustainability.
date 14/05/2024 - 15/05/2024

European Sustainable Energy Week 2024

EUSEW returns in 2024 in a hybrid format, in Brussels and online. It comprises a high-level Policy Conference, the EUSEW Awards, and the fifth European Youth Energy Day as well as opportunities to forge connections with the EUSEW community at the Energy Fair.
date 11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024

Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Photo credits in order of appearance: Smart Cities Marketplace;  Smart Cities Marketplace; Smart Cities Marketplace; Smart Cities Marketplace; Smart Cities Marketplace; Ian Kelsall (Unsplash); Scalable Cities; Covenant of Mayors, Scalable Cities; Covenant of Companies; Scalable Cities; GovTech; CircularPSP; Citizen-led renovation initiative (Agata Smok); SCMNetZero.


Catalogue number: MJ-AL-24-001-EN-Q

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ISSN: 2600-0962