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International Annual Conference on Energy Poverty in Warsaw 19-20 September 2023

We are inviting local governments, policymakers, experts and all relevant stakeholders to participate in our international conference.

This crucial gathering for the energy community will address the transition from the emergency measures to sustainable policies to reduce energy poverty for all and ensure a fair energy transition.

This 2-day event will feature high-level sessions, panel discussions and interactive sessions covering a wide range of topics, from one-stop-shops and energy communities to social justice and vulnerability among others.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this impactful event, on 19-20 September 2023 in Warsaw. Registration is open, book your place.

49 awarded local governments ready to combat energy poverty

We are thrilled to reveal the highly anticipated results of its 2nd call for technical assistance. It is with great delight that it announces the awarding of 28 outstanding proposals from 12 countries across Europe.

These 49 deserving municipalities and supramunicipal authorities are now poised to receive direct support in their efforts to combat energy poverty at the local level. Curious to see the selected cities and regions? Browse through the interactive map.

Online course on energy poverty in Europe fully accessible

We developed a free online to approach energy poverty in Europe from both a policy framework and a practical perspective.

This online course open to all offers expert presentations, insightful interviews and captivating interactive activities to get a comprehensive approach to energy poverty challenge and undertake concrete actions at the proper level. Enroll and follow the modules at your own pace.

Seven European countries reflected on the state of energy poverty in 2023

EPAH organised seven national events to hear from local representatives about energy poverty levels at local and regional levels and gather their recommendations for the future.

Different types of stakeholders convened in Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain to identify the primary challenges to take action and share experiences on successful solutions, tools and measures to tackle energy poverty. Read more about these insightful conclusions.

Socially Just Climate Protection: Approaches for an Inclusive Energy Transition

Join the German national event, organized by the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 project ENPOR, to explore effective strategies for tackling crucial challenges in supporting the energy poor.

The event will primarily focus on energy efficiency solutions to ensure no one is left behind during the energy transition. Be part of the discussion and help us scale up support for those in need.
Register for the in-person event and join on the 25th of September in Frankfurt, Germany.

The European Week of Regions and Cities: Fostering cohesion for Europe's future

The EURegionsWeek is the largest annual event in Brussels focused on cohesion policy to discuss the common challenges of cities and regions in Europe.

Bringing together politicians, decision-makers, experts and practitioners on the cohesion policy and other stakeholders, this is the place for capacity-building, learning from other experiences, facilitating cooperation and networking to debate on EU cohesion policy. EPAH will have a stand during the 4 days-event to promote local governments action on energy poverty.

Registration is open for this event organised from 9 to 12 October 2023

Energy poverty workshop at the Climate Alliance International Conference

The Climate Alliance International Conference of 2023 is focusing on the measures and solutions ensuring the transformation of the cities to face the challenges brought by climate change.

Join the interactive workshop, among several of them, dedicated to energy poverty to discuss innovative solutions from cities and towns to develop renovation campaigns or help energy-poor citizens with comprehensive support mechanisms.

The conference is taking place in Modena, from 18 to 20 October, organised in collaboration with Energy Cities, Modena municipality and AESS – Modena Energy and Sustainable Development Agency.  Book your seat.

Updates from the energy poverty community
Cyprus is tackling Energy Poverty in Households with Disabled People and is supporting Social Integration

With the aim of reducing energy consumption by at least 35% per year until 2026, the Union of Cyprus communities and the Cyprus Energy Agency supported 240-300 energy poor and disabled households.

They set up a financial scheme to subsidise the implementation of small-scale energy renovations, such as thermal insulation, as well as working with local actors to provide personalised counselling for energy guidance. The interventions will increase thermal comfort and enhance the energy efficiency of these disabled households and aim to tackle social exclusion.

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3 years of POWERPOOR project resulted in 1600 people trained to support vulnerable households

Through the EU-funded project POWERPOOR, 1,600 individuals received training, with 1,100 officially certified to assist impacted households on the ground.

After 3 years of active training and work with social housing providers, social workers, municipalities and researchers, POWERPOOR project took stock of the working formulas, and the measures and tools that have been successful for supporting citizens. The International Social Housing Festival in Barcelona in June was also the opportunity to reflect on the question marks for pathways out of energy poverty. Check out the takeaways of this insightful event.

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The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is the leading EU initiative aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European local governments.

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