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  30 June 2023  

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ISLANDS. We are still enthused by the Clean Energy for EU islands forum of the last days on Saaremaa, Estonia. With island communities and experts from more than 15 EU countries, we explored and discussed how to get to 100% renewable energy islands. Energy commissioner Kadri Simson launched the "30 by 30" challenge: 30 islands will be selected to receive support in achieving 100% renewable energy sources (RES) by 2030, in line with the EU's energy goals. This initiative aligns with the broader EU policies and strategies aimed at promoting sustainable energy transitions and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. You can find all the relevant information for your application in this newsletter.

The "30 by 30" challenge represents a significant step forward in the EU's commitment to promoting renewable energy on islands. By focusing on 30 selected islands, the initiative acknowledges the unique energy challenges faced by these communities and aims to provide tailored support and resources to accelerate their transition to clean energy.

This endeavour encompasses various dimensions, including technological advancements, economic considerations, societal engagement, and environmental sustainability. The challenge recognizes that achieving 100% renewable energy on islands requires a holistic approach, combining innovative technologies, favourable economic conditions, community involvement, and environmental preservation.

The urgency of addressing climate change and the need for sustainable energy solutions necessitate immediate action. With the "30 by 30" challenge, the EU sends a clear message that it is time to move beyond discussions and start implementing practical measures. By supporting the transition to 100% renewable energy on islands, the EU not only contributes to achieving its energy and climate objectives but also empowers island communities to become pioneers in sustainable development.

Clean energy for EU islands initiative
Call for application of interest for 30 renewable energy islands

Get ready to dive headfirst into the EU islands call for the application of interest for 30 renewable islands for 2030. The aim of this call is to identify and provide technical support to 30 islands or groups of islands for the next three years.

Fourth Call for Postcards – Greetings from the islands EXTENDED

As the warm embrace of summer draws near and the weather provides plenty of opportunities for beautiful photographs, we invite you to participate in our highly anticipated fourth Call for Postcards. We want to see your captivating snapshots of EU islands with their unique clean energy generation!

Clean energy for EU islands forum 2023 - It's a wrap

With island communities and experts from more than 15 EU countries the EU islands forum explored and discussed how to get to 100% renewable energy islands. Kadri Simon, European Commissioner for Energy, European Commission, launched the “30 to 30” challenge.

Clean energy for EU islands forum 2023, workshops

During the Clean energy for EU islands forum 2023, six deliberative sessions took place where islanders were able to discuss a variety of topics ranging from offshore windparks to habitability of islands.

Call for Videos 2023 - Watch all submissions here!

Seven inspiring submissions have reached us from islands across the EU, sharing their remarkable journeys to clean energy.

News from the islands
Island Movement - Completed Study: „Action Plan for Offshore Renewable Sources in Croatia“

The Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Croatia (OIEH) has completed the project of creating the study Action Plan for renewable sources at sea in Croatia. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding of the University of Zagreb, OIKON – Institute for Applied Ecology and the Island Movement were involved in the preparation of the study.

Upcoming launch: web platform for Island Energy Transition set to debut by end of June

In 2023, a new project was initiated to establish an informative and educational web portal aimed at facilitating the energy transition on the Croatian islands. This unique platform, set to be published by the end of this month, will provide quick access to essential information regarding energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and the active participation of islanders in the transition process.

Ireland: Our Living Islands

The Irish Department of Rural and Community Development has launched its first Irish Islands policy in 27 years.

The Clean energy for EU islands initiative and beyond
Call for best practices from EU local and regional authorities

The objective of the European Green Deal is to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. This ambitious goal is being pursued through the implementation of policies and regulations that are reshaping various aspects of our lives, including how we live, consume, travel, work, and produce energy.

ITP instrument: 150 M EUR for Croatian Islands

The instrument for the uniform development of the island was developed in cooperation with the Island Council. It is fully adapted to the islands and will enable the improvement of all levels of life on the island.

European Covenant of Companies assists European companies in their decarbonisation journey: sign up now!

The Covenant of Companies recently launched a brand-new pledging scheme that supports European companies on their decarbonisation journey. By making a pledge, companies commit to taking climate action and reducing their carbon emissions.

7th Offshore Energy & Storage Symposium
The 7th Offshore Energy & Storage Symposium shall be held in Mediterranean island of Malta. This event brings together researchers, industry players and policy makers dedicated to driving the development and growth of offshore renewables and energy storage.
date 12/07/2023 - 14/07/2023
Virtual Island Summit 2023
The Virtual Island Summit 2023 will host eight Content Tracks. Each Track is a learning path with sessions that will help you develop more in-depth knowledge about a specific topic and industry.
date 25/09/2023 - 01/10/2023
8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium
HAEE is welcoming the 8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium, entitled "Rethinking Energy: A secure and sustainable future", which will take place on September 27-29, 2023, at the French Institute of Greece.
date 27/09/2023 - 29/09/2023
Enlit Europe 2023
Enlit is a constantly growing, inclusive and end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda. A community that for 365-days a year collaborates and innovates to solve the most pressing issues in energy.
date 28/11/2023 - 30/11/2023
Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2024
The Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2024 will be hosted by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. This tenth edition of the conference will take place at the Campus Puerta de Toledo of the university.
date 24/04/2024 - 26/04/2024

Clean energy for EU islands

If you want further information about the latest activities and events from the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, please let us know your inquiries by email:

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Photo credits in order of appearance: Clean energy for EU islands secretariat; Clean energy for EU islands secretariat; Siora Keller (Steinbeis 2i GmbH); Agata Smok (Th!nk E); Siora Keller (Steinbeis 2i GmbH); Jian Liu (Unsplash); Filip Zivaljic (Unsplash); Mitch Hodge (Unsplash); Christian Lue (Unsplash); Photostory (Unsplash); Covenant of Companies.

Catalogue number: MJ-AP-23-002-EN-N

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ISSN: 2600-2906