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  17 November 2022  

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Dear EU islands community,

Welcome to the Clean energy for EU islands newsletter!

The guest editorial below is written by Younous Omarjee, MEP, The Left group in the European Parliament

"Islands and outermost regions are on the front line of climate change". The report on EU islands and cohesion policy for which I was the rapporteur repeats it a few times. Islands face some of the most dramatic consequences of global warming and rising sea levels, including disproportionate biodiversity loss. Yet islands can also be on the front line of mitigation, a formidable laboratory for sustainability practices in sectors such as clean energy, the circular economy, smart mobility, waste management and the blue economy.

The stakes are high, but the opportunities are also there. That’s why I call for a European island vision to be developed and to be formalised in an Island Pact. Specifically on energy, we call for specific rules and financial support to help islands achieve climate neutrality goals, taking into account the additional costs linked to sectors such as energy and transport as well as the impact of mobile technologies on their energy systems.

Renewable energy deployment and implementation of the fit for 55 package should go hand in hand with the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion. It is not only about the energy and the climate, it’s about the people, the islanders. We aim for a renewables-based energy autonomy to be established as a target for all European islands. Key to achieving this to enhance the administrative capacity of the local institutions of European islands and to develop their potential both as enablers of economic, social and territorial competitiveness and as promoters of climate-friendly behaviour among citizens.

That’s why I applaud the efforts of the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat in working bottom-up with island communities to achieve the clean energy transition. I look forward to the continuation of the secretariat in support of EU islands.

Clean energy for EU islands initiative
Congratulations to the winners of the #CE4EUIslands Gamechanger Award

On Tuesday 11 October 2022 the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat awarded the first #CE4EUislands Gamechanger Award, in a ceremony part of the European Week of Regions and Cities.

Third Call for Postcards Winners - Greetings from the Islands

After receiving many beautiful submissions from a variety of islands all over Europe, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has chosen the winners of the third Call for Postcards "Greetings from the Islands".

WEBINAR: Island Pact for sustainable European islands - the view of the European Parliament

MEP Younous Omarjee, who worked as a rapporteur on the report on EU islands and cohesion policy, will be the main speaker in this webinar and give insights on the cohesion policy as well as his work on EU islands.

Voices from the Islands: A Look behind the Scenes

In this fourth podcast we will be speaking to key figures from the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat to hear what they are doing, what they have been doing and what they intend to do in the future.

Webinar Recordings

Watch the recordings for the webinars "The challenges and the future of non-interconnected islands: lessons learnt for other islands and the mainland" and "How can marine technologies contribute to EU islands decarbonisation?".

Energy Academy Malta Edition

During this Energy Academy, participants learned more about the current developments on the island's energy transition the legal framework for production of renewable energy and energy efficiency, including the concept of energy communities.

News from the islands
First Annual Report of the Climate Change Committee of the Balearic Islands

The first annual report of the Climate Change Committee of the Balearic Islands has just been published.

Green Hysland x H2Ports Webinar: Decarbonising the Maritime Sector

Watch this webinar co-organised by the Green Hysland and H2Ports project to find out what cities, regions and islands can do to decarbonise waterborne transport and port applications.

Climate adaptation in Cyprus

As well as mitigating the causes of climate change, energy agencies are also working to help communities adapt to its effects. The Cyprus Energy Agency is carrying out innovative adaptation solutions across the country.

The Clean energy for EU islands initiative and beyond
Technical assistance for energy communities - apply now!

The Energy Communities Repository and the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub are two new initiatives by the European Commission to support energy communities - much like the EU islands secretariat, but with a focus on energy communities.

Energy, tourism and COVID-19

This JRC energy study analyses the linkage between electricity consumption patterns and tourism during the pandemic shock, investigating the real impact of touristic activities in terms of energy demand.

CETPartnership Call is open

The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is the first annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership and is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme.

Updates on the LIFE Clean Energy Transition programme

The LIFE Clean Energy Transition Call 2022 has 18 funding topics covering important aspects of driving forward the clean energy transition in Europe in all areas of life.

Island Pavilion @ COP27
During COP27 Island Innovation plans to create an “Island Space” where they will share key insights and developments related to remote, rural and island communities. Island Innovation wants to ensure that island communities are represented, and that relevant information is made available to islanders.
date 06/11/2022 - 18/11/2022
Sustainable integration of Green hydrogen on island electrical systems
Green Hysland is visiting ITC in Gran Granaria to host its second workshop. Join to learn and exchange on green hydrogen technologies, integration of RES, state-of-the-art storage solutions and much more!
date 28/11/2022
WEBINAR: Island Pact for sustainable European islands - the view of the European Parliament
MEP Younous Omarjee who worked as rapporteur on the report on EU islands and cohesion policy will be the main speaker in this webinar and give insights on the cohesion policy as well as his work on EU islands.
date 01/12/2022

Clean energy for EU islands

If you want further information about the latest activities and events from the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, please let us know your inquiries by email:

If this newsletter was forwarded to you and you would like to receive it directly you can subscribe here.

Photo credits in order of appearance: Agata Smok (Th!nk E); Clean energy for EU islands secretariat; Clean energy for EU islands secretariat; Keagan Henman (Unsplash); Cristian Palmer (Unsplash); Clean energy for EU islands secretariat; Climate Change Committee of the Balearic Islands; FEDARENE/Green Hysland; Hert Niks (Unsplash); JRC; CET Partnership; European Commission; Energy Communities Repository and the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub.

Catalogue number: MJ-AP-22-005-EN-Q

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ISSN: 2600-2906