Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  28 July 2022  

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Dear Smart Cities Marketplace Community,

Welcome to the Smart Cities Marketplace newsletter! The guest editorial below is the last one in a series of editorials from like-minded EC initiatives. This one is from our friends of the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat.

The timing for this guest editorial could not be better. At this very moment, islanders and city dwellers are both experiencing an energy shock that marks the end of a period and, perhaps, the start of a new destiny. Islands and cities could not have started more differently: throughout history, the remoteness and isolation of islands contrasted with the connectivity of the cities, which were founded where transport was easy and trade abundant.

In energy terms, islands in the last century had to make do with what could be produced or stored remotely - wood, coal and petrol - whereas cities were at the centre of dense networks of electricity and gas. Yet now, the terrible Russian invasion in Ukraine has precisely made those networks more vulnerable and expensive. The European mainland cities are starting to look like islands, at constant risk of being shut off. And that is where our common destiny is taking shape. Because at the same time, cheap renewable energy and batteries are opening up a future of decentralised, community-led energy systems.

Local renewable energy is being shared through EV charging systems and energy communities. Island energy utilities and Stadtwerke are both being repowered for an energy-independent, net zero future. "City air makes you free", the saying goes - and I, for one, cherish urban living. But having visited climate-neutral Samsoe island while Putin was further reducing the gas supply, I could not help but think only decentralised, community-led clean energy will really set us free.

Jan Cornillie, Project Coordinator, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Explore: New SCIS Self Reporting Tool Instruction Webinar

The SCIS self-reporting tool (SRT) facilitates the provision of so-called design and monitoring data for projects funded by the EU in the field of Smart Cities and Communities as well as Energy Efficiency projects in the built environment.

Explore: Working visit to Brussels and Smart Cities Marketplace 2022 Forum

On the 25th and 26th of April, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency organised a working visit to Brussels to have discussions on how the EU and national and local governments support small and medium enterprises and start-ups to contribute with their innovative solutions to the EU Mission to realize 100 climate-neutral and smart cities in 2030.

Shape & Deal: Sestao Goes Matchmaking

The city of Sestao, in Spain, has signed a contract with the European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF), making official the entering into the EEEF´s Technical Assistance (TA) program. The initial contact between the two was a result of the Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking activities.

News from the Community of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: Digitalization in Urban Energy Systems

Scalable Cities are proud to announce the publication of the paper: "Digitalization in Urban Energy Systems. Outlook 2025, 2030 and 2040." Digitalization is defined as the transformation of a business or industry by using digital technologies to improve its processes.

Shape & Deal: Scalable Cities Action Grant Deadline Extended

We would like to inform you that the deadline for the 1st Call for proposals of the Scalable Cities Action Grant has been extended until 31st August 2022 at 23.00 CEST.

Shape: Motorcycle Industry together for a more Sustainable Future

Urban mobility is going through a challenging transition towards electrification where the widespread adoption of electric motorcycles can play an important part in realising a more sustainable society.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: European Commission - In focus: Energy and smart cities

European cities are a hub for all sorts of activities – a pathway for study opportunities, jobs and services because of their key infrastructure and economic activity. More than three-quarters of the EU population live in urban areas and this figure is expected to rise to almost 85% by 2050.

Shape & Deal: Extended Deadline - City in the Spotlight Award 2022: APPLICATIONS OPEN!

The City in the Spotlight Awards 2022, now at its 4th edition, will reward those signatories demonstrating the highest commitments, motivation and progress towards climate neutrality.

Explore & Shape: Call for Wood Construction Innovations

The Bioregions Facility has kicked off its second series of Forestry Speed Dating events on the theme of Bio-based solutions for sustainable construction.

Explore & Shape: 5G for Smart Communities – Coordination and Support Action platform

The Commission is opening a call for tenders for the setup of a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) providing assistance and an online platform to 5G suppliers and adopters.

Explore: Positive Energy Neighbourhoods - Drivers of Transformational Change

In order to scale up the implementation of positive energy neighbourhoods (PEN) & decarbonise the EU building stock, BPIE - Buildings Performance Institute Europe as part of oPEN Lab, provides 4 policy recommendations in its recent policy paper.

Shape & Deal: Launch of the first Covenant of Companies call for technical assistance

The European Commission’s Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE) opened its first call for applications to its decarbonisation assistance programme for European businesses.

Explore: Launch of the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Review - 2022 edition

The European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Review - 20202 edition was launched at the World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice, Poland. It provides a consolidated method and examples of indicators that European local and regional governments can use to monitor the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Shape & Deal: Call for proposals for 70 CrAFt Cities

The CrAFt team is looking for 70 CrAFt Cities that want to test and share models of transformation with us, receive implementation support and become role models for cities across Europe.

Smart City Projects News
Shape: MAKING-CITY celebrates the success of two demo-houses in Groningen

On 23 May, the residents of the Grote Beerstraat in Groningen celebrated the success of two MAKING-CITY demo houses.

Explore, Shape & Deal: ATELIER Project initiates a PED learning platform

ATELIER has initiated a Positive Energy Districts (PED) learning platform and developed a first introductory module, PED Start Guide.

Explore: RUGGEDISED Final Event
Anyone working towards a clean urban energy transition is invited to attend the final RUGGEDISED Smart Cities and Communities event. This final showcase of RUGGEDISED related work will be followed by the Recharge Earth Energy Transition Conference on 7 - 8 September, 2022, which will also feature RUGGEDISED best practices.
date 06/09/2022
Explore: Joint ReUseHeat-Celsius Final Conference
ReUseHeat joined by Celsius Initiative organise their final public events in a joint conference where key findings on the waste heat potential and urban waste heat recovery and along with all the experience from the four demonstration sites will be presented by ReUseHeat.
date 07/09/2022
Explore: mySMARTLife Final Conference - Smart People - Smart Economy - Smart Cities
After a one-year extension of the project duration, the Smart Cities and Communities project mySMARTLife is coming to an end in September 2022. Join the consortium and the mySMARTLife Cities Network for two days packed with keynotes, panel discussions, lessons learned and site visits for their final conference in Hamburg.
date 14/09/2022 - 15/09/2022
Explore: EnergyVille Living Lab Business Day
During the Living Lab Business Day, EnergyVille opens the doors to their living lab for technology, energy and innovation – their Open Thor Living Lab.
date 15/09/2022
Explore: Urbis Smart City Fair 2022
URBIS SMART CITY FAIR brings a combination of a trade fair and an exclusive conference programme, where leaders in the field of Smart City will be introduced.
date 20/09/2022 - 22/09/2022
Explore: The Urban Mobility Days Conference 2022
Following in the footsteps of previous successful conferences, this year’s theme is “Moving people and goods more sustainably”. More than 70% of Europeans live in cities, and urban areas account for around 23% of the EU’s GHG transport emissions.
date 20/09/2022 - 22/09/2022
Explore: EUSEW - Going Green and Digital for Europe’s Energy Transition
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient energies.
date 26/09/2022 - 30/09/2022
Explore: EUSEW: Lessons on climate neutrality and energy independence from the EU islands
Join our EUSEW session together with the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat to learn about transition experience of small-scale islands towards clean energy and energy independence with the (smart) cities and communities of the EU.
date 27/09/2022
Explore: European Week of Regions and Cities - Capturing alternative sources of funding & financing for sustainable energy and climate actions
Under the motto New challenges for Europe’s cohesion, the 2022 edition will focus on four main themes: Green transition, Territorial Cohesion, Digital transition and Youth empowerment. Together with the Covenant of Mayors and SCALABLE CITIES, the Smart Cities Marketplace will offer a session.
date 10/10/2022 - 13/10/2022
Explore: Portugal Smart Cities Summit 2022
The “Smart Cities” Concept encompasses more than mobility, digital platforms or sustainability. The fundamental objective of a Smart City is the incorporation of all these areas in order to improve the lives of citizens in the world.
date 11/10/2022 - 13/10/2022
Explore: Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The conference is organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy, Directorate-General for Climate Action, and the European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA), in collaboration with the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
date 18/10/2022
Explore: Smart City Expo World Congress 2022
Smart City Expo World Congress gathers leaders from the most innovative companies, governments and organisations to move cities towards a better future. The Congress will take place in Barcelona.
date 15/11/2022 - 17/11/2022

Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Photo credits in order of appearance: Smart Cities Marketplace, Jacobine de Zwaan, SeSmart, Scalable Cities, Scalable Cities, SBMC, European Commission, Covenant of Mayors, Ryunosuke Kikuno (Unsplash), Euopean Commission, oPEN Lab, Covenant of Companies, European Commission, CrAFt Cities, MAKING-CITY, Jonas Allert (Unsplash)

Catalogue number: MJ-AL-22-004-EN-N

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