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European Commission DG Energy News
Energy Policy round-up from the European Commission
Top stories
Commissioner Arias Cañete in China to strengthen climate and clean energy ties
The Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy tomorrow begins a visit to China to meet policymakers and discuss the clean energy transition.
Agreement on clearer energy efficiency labelling rules to empower consumers
New labelling rules for products agreed this month will make it easier for consumers to save money and be more energy efficient.
EU rules on Intergovernmental Agreements in energy updated
In the future, EU countries will have to submit intergovernmental agreements with non-EU countries concerning gas and oil to the European Commission before signing them.
Eleven EU countries hit 2020 renewable energy targets
The EU is making good progress towards its target of 20% renewable energy by 2020, figures for 2015 show.
First meeting of North Seas Energy Forum held
North Seas countries discussed plans for an offshore energy grid linking the region.
The Energy Union Tour
Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič visits Slovakia and also Spain to talk about the Energy Union.
Commissioner Arias Cañete speaks at Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue
Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete presented Europe's clean energy transition to global energy decision-makers and experts.
Other news

JRC Ocean Energy Status Report: 2016 Edition

JRC Wind Energy Status Report: 2016 Edition

Roundtable meeting on cyber security in energy takes place in Rome

Interreg Europe third call for project proposals is now open

Commissioner Cañete and Minister McKenna reaffirm commitment to address climate change

JRC’s Work Programme for 2017-2018 adopted
Video highlights
60 years of the Rome Treaties

On March 25, EU leaders met in Rome to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome.


Europe 1957-2017: 60 years of peace, democracy, solidarity

Energy Council in action

At the latest meeting of the Energy Council on February 27, Ministers discussed the 'Clean Energy for all Europeans'  legislative package, the Energy Union, proposals for Regulations on security of gas supply and energy efficiency labelling, and the Ocean Energy Forum.


Post-Council press conference with Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete

Upcoming events
30 March 2017
Financing energy efficiency: lessons from successful Horizon 2020 projects and other initiatives across Europe
27 April 2017
Financing Energy Efficiency in Central Europe
15 - 16 May 2017
Meetings of the Energy and Managing Authorities Network
17 - 18 May 2017
Meeting of the European Electricity Regulatory Forum
19 May 2017
Financing Energy Efficiency in Denmark, Sweden and Finland
22 - 23 May 2017
European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) Plenary Meeting
19 - 25 June 2017
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017
Find out more about upcoming events here
Calls for tender
7 February - 10 April 2017
Study on the Evaluation of Risks of Cyber-Incidents and on Costs of Preventing Cyber-Incidents in the Energy Sector
1 February - 17 April 2017
Technical assistance services to assess the implementation status and effectiveness of Article 17 of the Energy Efficiency Directive
See all current and past calls for tender here
Latest studies

Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables)

Study on Technical Assistance in Realisation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the Period 2020-2030 in the European Union
See all studies published by DG Energy here
DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

© European Union 2017 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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