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  September 2019  

DG Energy News

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Top stories
Renewables boost competitiveness of EU industry

A new two-part study shows that investments in the renewables sector can greatly benefit the competitiveness of EU industry and provide a major boost for jobs and growth. The study also identifies potential solutions to bottlenecks and administrative hurdles.

Establishing a smart readiness indicator for buildings

The European Commission has launched a consultation on a smart readiness indicator for buildings to help raise awareness of the benefits of smart technologies in buildings, including improved energy performance, comfort and well-being.

Other news
Climate action: EIB to finance construction of 21 wind farms in Spain
EU annual hard coal consumption declines further
Eurostat 2017 figures on oil import dependency rates
Upcoming events
European high-level conference on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
Date 05/09/2019 - 05/09/2019
Venue Oslo, Norway
The 11th Citizens Energy Forum
Date 12/09/2019 - 13/09/2019
Venue Dublin, Ireland
33rd Madrid Forum
Date 23/10/2019 - 24/10/2019
Venue Madrid, Spain
Latest studies, publications and consultations
Study: Competitiveness of the renewable energy sector
Consultation: List of candidate Projects of Common Interest in oil infrastructure
Consultation: Establishment of a smart readiness indicator for buildings
DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy union

Clean energy for all Europeans

© European Union 2019 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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Catalogue number: MJ-AF-19-009-EN-N

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