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ISSN : 2529-4857
European Commission DG Energy News - January 2019
Energy Policy round-up from the European Commission
Other news

New data and analyses - the 2018 energy prices and costs report in Europe

Commission presents ways to further strengthen the euro's global role

Call for applications for candidate projects of common interest (PCIs) for smart grids

Have your say! Consultation on the list of electricity PCIs

EU Energy Day at COP24: coal regions in transition

Signature by the EU and the International Solar Alliance of a Joint Declaration for cooperation on solar energy

Antitrust: Commission imposes binding obligations on TenneT to increase electricity trading capacity between Denmark and Germany

State aid: Commission approves support for production of electricity from renewable energy sources and for electro-intensive users in Lithuania

State aid: Commission approves a €320 million scheme to support biomass energy installations close to forests at risk of fires in Portugal

State aid: Commission approves reductions in renewable electricity and cogeneration surcharges for energy-intensive companies in Greece
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DG Energy

Vice-President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

Energy Union

Clean Energy for All Europeans

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