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  26 July 2023  

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Campaign Highlights

Deza Nguembock

In the fifth edition of the Together for Rights campaign newsletter, we shine a light on the right to inclusive culture, sports, and leisure for persons with disabilities. 

Accessible and inclusive art and cultural activities, sports, leisure, and tourism are vital for full participation in society.

They increase wellbeing and give everyone, including persons with disabilities, the opportunity to develop their full potential.

And yet, persons with disabilities are often left out of cultural, touristic, and sporting activities due to a lack of accessibility.

Deza Nguembock, our champion from France, has dedicated her life to challenging stereotypes and demanding accessibility to cultural events. She truly believes that accessible and inclusive arts and culture have the power to inspire change.

Deza also thinks the European strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities can increase the participation and support of persons with disabilities in sport, culture, leisure and tourism; and promote and encourage arts by and with persons with disabilities.


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Raise your voice for persons with disabilities to enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Like and share the posts below and join the movement on social media using #EUDisabilityRights and #UnionOfEquality.

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A kid with hearing impairment stands in a soccer field

In this section, we share our ‘best of’ social media content.

Our campaign toolkit offers ideas, images and suggested social media posts in your language. In each issue, we will share new content. Click on the link below to access the toolkit on the website. Feel free to use these materials to help spread the word in your country!


Did You Know?

The importance of practising sports for persons with disabilities

Two athletes running

According to a 2018 Eurobarometer survey, having a disability or illness is the third most frequently mentioned reason for not practising sports more regularly.

Participation in sports improves everybody’s well-being and physical and mental health.  

Accessible and inclusive sports and adaptive facilities are needed to ensure persons with disabilities can fully enjoy their right to take part on an equal basis with others in cultural life, recreation, leisure, and sport, as stated by Article 30 of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The Commission contributes to strengthening the participation of persons with disabilities in these areas by working with mainstream and disability-specific organisations.

The European Commission partners with the International Paralympic Committee or Special Olympics, to foster inclusion through sports and combat stereotypes.

Mark Your Calendar
  • Applications for the 2024 Access City Award competition are open until 18 September. This award recognises cities which have done outstanding work to become more accessible for persons with disabilities. Read more here 
  • What do you think about the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU? Take our survey by 31 July and let us know how the EU can or should improve the lives of persons with disabilities. An easy-to-read version in English is also available. Read more here
  • 6 September 2023: European Commission plans to adopt the European Disability Card initiative. Read more here
We Read

Deutsche Welle: Germany’s art scene becomes more inclusive 

Things are changing in Germany’s art and entertainment industries, as more artists with disabilities are getting the space and the funding needed to showcase their work. Read more here 

Meet the Champions

We are excited to introduce the fifth group of champions who endorse the Together for Rights campaign! You can read more about them and their stories on the website. Make sure to follow them on their social media accounts.

Denis Kučera – Slovakia

Denis Kučera

Denis Kučera is a street workout athlete. In 2015 he was awarded a Master’s degree in European studies and public administration. After that, he fell in love with street workout and started shooting his videos. In 2019 he started his YouTube channel with his fiancé to raise awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities.  Read more here

Cisco García – Spain

Cisco García

Cisco is a lawyer and a wheelchair tennis athlete. He currently holds the title of Spanish singles runner-up, and runner-up at the World Team Cup, and is ranked 43rd in the world. In 2020, Forbes recognised him as one of the top 100 influencers in Spain. He is also the author of a book ‘Irrompible’ (Unbreakable). Read more here


Deza Nguembock – France

Deza Nguembock

 Deza is a social entrepreneur based in Paris, France, and has dedicated her life to advocating change in mentalities through social innovation, for a more inclusive world. She is well-known for her international awareness campaigns, such as ‘Let’s Trample Prejudices’, ‘Aesthetics & Disability’, and ‘CHAOS’ on mental illnesses. Read more here

Alexander Helander – Sweden

Alexander Helander

Alexander is a middle school teacher, a para-athlete, and a father. He has a strong interest in adaptative sports and activities, including skiing and dancing. He is an active wheelchair floorball player in the Swedish league and joined the Swedish national wakeboarding team in the seated category. Read more here



In The Next Issue
  • We will shine a light on the right to participation 
  • New pictures and social media posts for you
  • Do you have suggestions for articles to include in the ‘We Read’ section? Send your suggestions to us at

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