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  12 July 2023  

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Campaign Highlights

Jakob Rosin

In the fifth edition of the Together for Rights campaign newsletter, we shine a light on the right to access for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.

If products and services, infrastructures, or information are not accessible, persons with disabilities are prevented from participating freely in the community. Some would not be able to participate at all.

The European Union has laws to make products and services accessible to persons with disabilities.

But despite this good work, many products and services in the EU are still not sufficiently accessible.

Our champion, Jakob Rosin from Estonia, has spent most of his professional life advising on accessibility issues for companies and the public sector.

Being blind by birth, he has experienced many barriers. Even though there has been progress over the years, a lot still has to be done.

He believes the accessibility initiatives in the European  Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 make a big difference.


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Raise your voice for persons with disabilities to enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Like and share the posts below and join the movement on social media using #EUDisabilityRights and #UnionOfEquality.

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Two people sitting on a couch, working on an iPad

In this section, we share our ‘best of’ social media content.

Our campaign toolkit offers ideas, images and suggested social media posts in your language. In each issue, we will share new content. Click on the link below to access the toolkit on the website. Feel free to use these materials to help spread the word in your country!


Did You Know?

European Commission has launched AccessibleEU


The European Commission has launched a European resource centre for accessibility called AccessibleEU.

This centre provides information and good practices on accessibility across sectors. It offers databases, information about standards, guides, studies, good practices, and support materials on accessibility.

It offers workshops, online training, and mutual learning events on different accessibility topics.

The goal is to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to transport, buildings, information, audio-visual media, and communications.

You can read more about the Accessible EU resource centre here.

Mark Your Calendar
  • Applications for the 2024 Access City Award competition will open in July. This award recognises cities which have made outstanding work to become more accessible for persons with disabilities. Read more here
  • 29 August 2023: European Commission organises the AccessibleEU European event in Paris - Building inclusion at University. Read more here
  • 6 September 2023: European Commission plans to adopt the European Disability Card initiative. Read more here
We Read

Croatia: Supporting children with disabilities for social inclusion

The ‘Step Forward’ project in Daruba (Croatia), funded by the European Social Fund, provides children who have developmental disabilities with ongoing, professional, psychosocial support, and aims for social inclusion for children with disabilities and their families. Read more here

Greek Reporter: Greece makes almost 300 beaches accessible for persons with disabilities

Summer in Greece will be as inclusive as ever, as the country has installed the Greek-designed Seatrac system for wheelchairs on 286 beaches across its coastline. Most also offer other essential facilities like parking, bathroom/changing facilities, ramps and corridors, sun loungers, and refreshment bars. Read more here

Meet the Champions

We are excited to introduce the third group of champions who endorse the Together for Rights campaign! You can read more about them and their stories on the website. Make sure to follow them on their social media accounts.

Jakob Rosin - Estonia

Sarah Murray

Jakob is President of the Estonian Blind Union, a radio journalist in Estonian Public Broadcasting and an accessibility consultant. Through his work over the last decade he has advised several Estonian public and private sector bodies on creating more accessible and inclusive experiences for all. Read more here


Hülya Marquardt – Germany

Dimitrios Karypidis

 Hülya is well-known within the German disability community, advocating for disability rights, including equality and accessibility. On her Instagram page, she shows her life as businesswoman, mother of a two-year-old, and a model with a disability. Read more here

Vita Bernik – Slovenia

Enya van Egmond

Vita is a content creator, writer, model and Criminal Justice and Security graduate from Slovenia. With her blog she strives to represent the disability community by talking about its biases, misconceptions, taboos, accessibility, inclusion, society, and many other issues. Read more here

Karolina Pelendritou – Cyprus

Tomi & Sumi

Karolina Pelendritou was the first Cypriot athlete to win a Paralympic medal, with a swimming gold in Athens in 2004. She is also Ambassador for several organisations including the ‘Youth on the Move’ and ‘Stop Discrimination’ movements of the EU, and for the Cyprus Tourism Organisation. Read more here
In The Next Issue
  • We will shine a light on the right to inclusive culture, leisure, and sports. 
  • New pictures and social media posts for you
  • Do you have suggestions for articles to include in the ‘We Read’ section? Send your suggestions to us at

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