Together for Rights Newsletter - Issue 2 - December 2022
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  15 December 2022  

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Campaign Highlights

Catarina Oliveira with her sister in her bedroom

In this second issue of the Together for Rights campaign newsletter, we shine a light on the need for more inclusive education and work opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Despite progress in many areas, only half (50.8%) of persons with disabilities are employed compared to 3 in 4 (75%) persons without disabilities.

Catarina Oliveira, a nutrionist and disability activist from Portugal is passionate about this topic. She gives talks in schools, universities and companies to clarify myths and expose problems related to accessibility, inclusion and representation of persons with disabilities.

To nourish this campaign, Catarina and her sister, Alexandra, talked about what the EU is doing to help achieve a Union of Equality and what the initiative means to her.

Click on the link below to watch the video in accessible format in 24 different languages on the campaign website.


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Do you want to help EU citizens enjoy equal rights and opportunities? Like and share the posts below and join the conversation on social media using #EUDisabilityRights and #UnionOfEquality.

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Three persons working in a kitchen restaurant

In this section, we share our ‘best of’ social media content. Our campaign toolkit offers ideas, images and suggested social media posts in your language. In each issue, we will share new content. Click on the link below to access the toolkit on the website. Feel free to use these materials to help spread the word in your country!


Did You Know?

Children with disabilities leave school early

Students in classroom

Many young persons with disabilities do not finish school, attend special schools, and do not have a clear path to a good and rewarding job.

  • 2 in 10 (20.3%) of young persons with disabilities leave school early, compared to 1 in 10 (9.8%) of those without disabilities.

The Commission supports EU countries in developing inclusive education systems. For instance, the toolkit for inclusion in early childhood education and care includes a specific chapter on children with disabilities.

Mark Your Calendar
  • 15 December 2022: The European Network of Independent Living holds a webinar on the intersectionality between disability and age. Read more here
  • 24 April 2023: EASPD is organising a week-long training course in Athens, Greece on Inclusive Education Read more here
We Read

SCIENCE BUSINESS: Six bottlenecks to a more equal European Research and Innovation landscape

New paper prescribes more money for Research and Innovation, healthier research culture, more attractive research environments, networking and diversity to tackle brain drain and fragmentation.

Read more here

MIRAGE: EU funds research for disability-inclusive climate adaptation

A new research project, funded by the EU, will examine how the knowledge and experiences of persons with disabilities can be better embedded in climate change adaptation.

Read more here

EURONEWS: Dancing in a wheelchair

A video of Gladys from France who uses her wheelchair to deliver exceptional dance routines.

Read more here

Meet the Champions

We are excited to introduce the second group of champions who endorse the Together for Rights campaign! You can read more about them and their inspiring stories on the website. Make sure to follow them on their social media accounts.

Catarina Oliveira, Portugal

Catarina Oliveira

Catarina Oliveira, is a nutritionist with a degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the University of Porto, and also works as an activist for the rights of people living with disabilities.

Read more here

Teodora Dumitru – Romania

Teodora Dumitru

Also known as ‘Teo on wheels’ from her blog, where she writtes her story about living with cerebral palsy, Teodora is currently studying medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid, after graduating from a top high school back home in Bucharest.

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Iliyana Dadarova – Bulgaria

Iliyana Dadarova – Bulgaria

Iliyana, who has a walking disability, was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in International Business in the Netherlands, undertook an exchange programme in Madrid (Spain), and is currently pursuing a thriving career in a leading advertising agency in Bulgaria, her home country.

. Read more here

Indrė Kručaitė, Lithuania

Indrė Kručaitė, Lithuania

Ιndrė Kručaitė is a dreamer who built a friendship with a physical disability. She is a fashion model with a Bachelor's degree cosmetology.

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Tomi & Sumi – Team Jaakkola, Finland

Tomi & Sumi

Tomi Jaakkola is an entrepreneur, coach and dad. His daughter Sumi is 15 years old and has Rett syndrome. They formed the Team Jaakkola, participating in triathlon competitions together.

Read more here

In The Next Issue
  • In the new year, we will shine a light on the right to deinstitutionalization and independent living
  • New pictures and social media posts for you
  • Do you have suggestions for articles to include in the ‘We Read’ section? Send your suggestions by writing to us at

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