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  16 September 2022  

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Together for Rights campaign logo #EUDisability #UnionOfEquality

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Brussels, 16 September 2022

Dear friends and colleagues,

You are invited to the Together for Rights campaign launch event on 28 September, from 14H to 15H CET.

To attend the event, click the registration link below. After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with further information on how to participate. Don't hesitate to contact us by replying to this email if you need support with your registration.



  • Welcome address by Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli
  • Remarks by the European Disability Forum President, Yiannis Vardakastanis

After the speeches, we will have a short campaign presentation and take questions from guests in attendance.

This virtual event will be accessible for persons with disabilities, with live sign language interpretation and captioning.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think might be interested! If someone forwarded this email to you, join the mailing list to receive future communications.

We look forward to welcoming you on this occasion. Take care of yourselves and each other.

The Together for Rights Team

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