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EMODnet, Ocean Observation, and the Marine Knowledge Value Chain

EMODnet experts Dick Schaap, MARIS, The Netherlands; Antonio Novellino, ETT, Italy; and Sissy Iona, HCMR, Greece presented on EMODnet in the marine knowledge value chain, EMODnet’s partnership with the Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet Data Ingestion. In two subsequent Panels, EMODnet's key role in the marine knowledge value chain and its strong connections with the ocean observation and data collection community were showcased. EMODnet’s contribution to the EC Ocean Observation Initiative, including the value of the EMODnet’s Sea-basin Checkpoint activities on data adequacy at regional sea-basin level, and EMODnet’s contribution to the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) were also discussed with diverse stakeholder representatives.

EMODnet Open Conference 2023
Serena Vittorini

date:  06/12/2023