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Overview   Data Ingestion

EMODnet eutrophication data used in climatology for the Adriatic Sea

As part of the AdriaClim project, researchers from the University of Bologna and the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change in Italy utilized EMODnet Chemistry data to create a detailed 3D biogeochemical model for the Adriatic Sea. Their analysis yielded insights into future biogeochemical changes driven by climate change, affecting marine ecosystems and key economic sectors like fisheries.

EMODnet at the UN Ocean Decade Conference

EMODnet experts from the Secretariat and wider partnership represented EMODnet at the first United Nations Ocean Decade (UN OD) Conference 2024, held in Barcelona from 10-12 April. EMODnet contributed to the Ocean Prediction booth and to number of sessions and week-long side events spanning Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPS) for the European Digital Twin Ocean (DTO), CoastPredict and the JPI Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise, the UN OD Challenge 8 digital representation of the ocean, and invited presentations at European project side events.

EMODnet Welcomes three new Associated Partners

EMODnet is pleased to announce and welcome 3 new associated partners in Spring 2024: Renewable Grid Initiative (RGI), Voice of the Ocean (VOTO) and Oceano VOX. Each new member brings unique expertise and a strong commitment to advancing collaboration with EMODnet in the areas of data sharing, best practices in marine data, information technology and data services, and expanding the users of EMODnet, including for the Blue Economy.

EMODnet Ingestion New Phase Kick-Off Meeting in Malta

The University of Malta hosted the kick-off meeting for the new phase of EMODnet Ingestion, welcoming around 45 partners to discuss the project's progress and plan its next steps. The gathering was an opportunity for stakeholders to review the challenges encountered, celebrate achievements, and outline the future direction for EMODnet Ingestion, one of the key components of the EMODnet network.

EMODnet launches a Technical Blog on EMODnet services

BLOG #1 (March 2024): EMODnet’s technical state-of-the-art as a unified Portal. The EMODnet EC in situ marine data service is enabled by a large expert community of technical experts in thematic data, data and web services, data ingestion and more. One year on from the launch of EMODnet’s unified Portal, EMODnet launches a technical blog that brings the technical developments and achievements of the EMOD-network to the forefront, championed by EMODnet’s Technical Coordinator, Conor Delaney. The blog is intended for wider stakeholders who use and/or contribute to EMODnet and would like to know more about the latest state-of-the-art in EMODnet services. The technical blog will be released quarterly.

EMODnet is showcased at OI 2024, the OI 2024 Special Edition Hydro International magazine and EOOS Technology Forum

EMODnet was well represented at the Oceanology International 2024 and European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Technology Forum that took place back-to-back in mid-March 2024 in London, UK. EMODnet Physics, Chemistry, Data Ingestion and wider experts were on-site, complementing a pan-EMODnet feature article in the Hydro International magazine that accompanied the OI 2024 event. 

Join us at the Digital Ocean Forum 2024

The Digital Ocean Forum (DOF) 2024 takes place on 13th June 2024, from 10:00 to 16:30 CET at the Palace of the Academies in Brussels. This high-level gathering will be hybrid and open to the public and will feature the prototype of the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO), powered by EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service via EDITO. The DOF 2024 Forum will showcase the capabilities of the EU DTO as a Commission public service, building on existing EU marine data service capability and demonstrating the European DTO's role as an additional asset to drive applications and solutions for ocean resource management, ocean and climate change and a green transition and sustainable operations for the Blue Economy. Discover how the EU DTO aligns with the Green Deal and the UN Decade of Science for Sustainable Development.

EMODnet stakeholder workshop explores harmonized data management in offshore licensing procedures

On 29th February 2024, stakeholders from 18 different countries gathered online for an EMODnet Data Ingestion workshop, focusing on data management in offshore licensing procedures. The workshop, organized by EMODnet Data Ingestion and facilitated by partner Deltares, aimed to provide an overview of the diverse approaches and practices surrounding marine data management in offshore licenses, particularly in aquaculture and renewable energy sectors.

EMODnet Biology first data harvest of 2024

More than 100,000 new occurrence records have been published by EMODnet Biology in the first data harvest of 2024, including more than 100,000 biodiversity occurrence records, making EMODnet Biology data holdings surpass the 40 million occurrence records threshold.

Explore EMODnet Open Conference 2023 Highlights Video: Out Now!

Four short months ago, the EMODnet community gathered in Brussels for the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2023 Re-immerse yourself in the energy and insights of the Conference plenary, panel discussions, townhalls and networking, and get a snapshot of EMODnet’s rich and diverse network and valued stakeholders, all in the newly released EMODnet OC 2023 highlights video!  This video complements the Conference Report that was released earlier this year. The Conference Virtual Exhibition remains open until November 2024.

2024 EOOS Technology Forum “Catching the momentum in ocean observing technology: optimising value and data provision”

The 2024 EOOS Technology Forum “Catching the momentum in ocean observing technology: optimising value and data provision”, will take place on the 13 March 2024 at the Oceanology International, Excel, London. The 2024 EOOS Technology Forum will bring together technology developers, manufacturers and users to exchange knowledge on platforms and sensors of all types, costs and levels of technical sophistication with the goal to enhance accessibility of ocean observations.

EMODnet Seabed Habitats for the Caribbean Workshop

EMODnet Seabed Habitats organised a workshop in Anguilla in the Caribbean to guide local stakeholders and data contributors through the EMODnet data submission process. The publication of a suite of marine habitat maps for the Caribbean on the EMODnet Map Viewer demonstrates the benefits of such collaborations.

EMODnet webinar for European Research and Innovation and Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters projects

On 28th February 2024, EMODnet hosted a webinar titled “EMODnet for Horizon Europe and EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters.” This invitation-only webinar was attended by over 95 participants representing at least 45 EU projects. Organised by the EMODnet Secretariat, Data Ingestion and thematics, in collaboration with DG MARE and CINEA, the webinar focused on how EMODnet can support European Research and Innovation (R&I) projects, including the use of EMODnet’s marine knowledge in EU R&I, demonstrations of the EMDOnet Data Ingestion workflow, and guidance on how R&I projects can optimize the collection, curation and submission of FAIR data and metadata to EMODnet services, and its large userbase.

“EMODnet for Horizon Europe and EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters projects" Webinar

Discover the latest insights on how EMODnet's marine data and data product offerings can serve as a foundation for essential ocean knowledge and the crucial role of EMODnet's Data Ingestion service in supporting seamless data submission to both the European and global ocean data ecosystem, at the upcoming “EMODnet for Horizon Europe and EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters projects" webinar on February 28, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Aimed at representatives of European Horizon Europe and EU Mission Ocean projects collecting in situ marine data, the webinar focuses on streamlining data submission processes, guiding participants in data and metadata collection, and optimizing data flow into EMODnet. For more details and to express your interest in participating, please send an email to:

EMODnet launches its report on Marine Data for Coastal Tourism

On 26-27 September 2023, EMODnet together with the European Commission, DG MARE, organised an online workshop on ‘’EMODnet Marine Data for Coastal Tourism’’. The main objective of the workshop was to facilitate cross-sectoral dialogue and share experiences from key coastal tourism stakeholders regarding their in situ data needs, existing and emerging uses of EMODnet and wider open source marine environmental and human activities data for coastal tourism operations and applications, and opportunities for private-public data sharing, including optimization of dataflows and EMODnet data ingestion as a public service supporting the European ocean observation and data collection community to enable Findable, Accessible, Reusable and Interoperable (FAIR) data.

EMODnet Chemistry celebrates 15th year of service

At the dawn of its 15th year in business, EMODnet Chemistry celebrates the best results of the past year with EMODnet stakeholders. A full article gives key achievements and a forward look, which sees the confirmation of the same consortium at the helm of EMODnet Chemistry for the next two years, coordinated by OGS.

New contaminants maps for EMODnet Chemistry

EMODnet Chemistry has recently created new maps on pollutants. The products are grouped into 4 map categories that provide information on the spatio-temporal distribution of measurements in all European seas and beyond, for parameters prioritised in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).