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Registration is now open for the EMODnet Open Sea Lab Hackathon 3.0!

Join us at the third EMODnet Open Sea Lab Hackathon to address Ocean challenges in support of the EU Green Deal and the UN Agenda 2030. During a two-day open data virtual event (27-28 March 2023), participants will have the opportunity to explore and test the new features and advantages brought on by the unification of all seven thematics of EMODnet into one central portal.

Register today for the Green Deal Data Space Webinar

The Green Deal Data Space Foundation (GREAT) project aims at fostering an international cross-sectoral Community of Practice, which will shape and constitute the future Data Space through the provision and use of data. The project will deliver a roadmap for implementing and deploying the Green Deal Data Space, an infrastructure that will allow data providers and initiatives to openly share their data to tackle climate change and environmental challenge in a multidisciplinary manner. This introductory webinar will introduce the GREAT project and its goals, objectives and upcoming activities.

EMODnet for Mission Ocean and Waters

On 17th February 2023 the EMODnet Secretariat and wider representatives attended the first Annual Forum of the Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030" (Mission Ocean).

Register today - EMODnet Centralisation Public Webinar

The EMOD-network is excited to announce an EMODnet public webinar, “EMODnet Centralisation: One Ocean, One EMODnet" on 16 February 2023. The webinar will focus on the new features, capabilities and advantages of the EMODnet tools and services, following the unification of the 7 thematic portals into one central portal. Registration is free and open (see below).

EMODnet Geology data services used by the Offshore Renewable Energy sector

Energinet, an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities, develops offshore windfarms and energy islands in Danish Waters. Prior to the development of the offshore windfarms, the Danish Parliament requires Energinet to undertake preliminary studies of the seabed. Energinet is a user of EMODnet Geology data, in particular the Seabed Substrate map and Index Map, to acquire insights in the geology of the Danish seas.

One Ocean, One EMODnet: The European Marine Observation and Data Network is now fully unified into one single portal, offering major functionality upgrades

This thematic unification simplifies access and enhances the EMODnet user experience. Central to the upgrade and major improvement is the release of the common map viewer, which offers the user easy and seamless access to discover, visualise and download marine data across seven thematics spanning marine environment and human activities and hundreds of data and data products from one place, powered by a searchable unified catalogue.

EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint (SBCP) partnership and invited experts unite for an online workshop on the added value of the SBCPs and uptake by the wider community

On 26 January 2023, the EMODnet Secretariat hosted an online workshop on the added value and benefits of the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint (SBCP) exercises that took place across six sea basins in 2013-2018. The workshop brought together more than 50 experts including EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint Coordinators, partners and expert panel members, EMODnet thematic and data ingestion Coordinators and representatives, EMODnet associated partners, the European Commission and wider invited experts from the European Ocean Observing, marine data and user community.

EMODnet invites inputs to a public survey on the benefits of the SBCP which remains open until 2 February 2023!

EMODnet Chemistry and ICES work together to optimise micro-litter formats and data flow

On 18-20 January 2023 EMODnet Chemistry participated in a workshop of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) on the revision of the format for marine litter data in the ICES Environmental Database. EMODnet Chemistry brought its expertise having developed the EMODnet micro-litter data format in collaboration with the MSFD Technical Group on Marine Litter (TGML) since 2017. Marine litter data trawls collected by ICES are already available via EMODnet Chemistry. The hybrid event took place in Copenhagen (Denmark) and online.

EMODnet for Maritime Spatial Planning and Offshore Renewable Energy

On 12 December 2022, the EMODnet Secretariat presented EMODnet’s diverse marine environmental and human activities data and data products to the EU Member State Expert Group on Maritime Spatial Planning, including the National Maritime Spatial Plans that EMODnet now offers.

Results of 34-month ocean data collaborative projects EMOD-PACE and CEMDnet presented at Final Meeting and Open Workshop

On 23 November 2022, experts from EMODnet and the National Marine Data and Information Service (NMDIS) of China met for the final meeting of the EU-China project EMOD-PACE and Chinese counterpart project CEMDnet connecting EMODnet with NMDIS services. The results of the very productive collaboration were presented with a particular focus on the data interoperability solutions deployed and the data products that were co-developed, all available via the new EMODnet Central Portal map viewer. The final meeting was preceded by an EMOD-PACE CEMDnet open workshop which took place on 22 November 2022, to showcase the results of the EMODnet-NMDIS collaboration to other interested experts, users and stakeholders with a view to ensure uptake of the outputs, connect with global data sharing initiatives and expand the partnership in Europe and Asia.

EMODnet Chemistry for a better quality of contaminants data in sediment

Standardised, integrated and validated data on contaminants freely available on EMODnet Chemistry were used for a new study recently published in Marine Pollution Bulletin that focuses on the Eastern Mediterranean. The paper is about a new method to improve the quality control of data on pollutants in marine sediments.

Users of the European Atlas of the Seas can now have their own working space in the Atlas!

A new function called 'My Maps' has been added to the European Atlas of the Seas, which makes it possible for everyone to save and reuse the maps they have created using different map layers. This new function is the result of considerable technical development and it will make it easier for all users to integrate the Atlas in their work and activities. As it is expected that this new function will be particularly useful for teachers, the EMODnet Secretariat has launched an online survey to collect teachers’ feedback.

Save The Date! Blue-Cloud Open Conference, 8 December 2022 in Brussels

Join the final, Open Conference of the Blue-Cloud pilot project pilot project for an opportunity to learn about the main results, achievements and the road ahead of this key component of the EU “Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative”. Gain insight into the key conclusions stemming from this 3-year effort to build a “marine” thematic community within the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and into the role it can play in evolving a thriving EU digital marine knowledge system in support of the EU Green Deal and the UN Agenda 2030.

New information collected for a better assessment of marine pollution

To improve the assessment of marine pollution, EMODnet Chemistry has undertaken a thorough revision of the questionnaire used to obtain information on sampling, data analysis methods, and validation procedures for contaminants in seawater, sediment and biota. The revised questionnaire was recently sent out to the network of laboratories that provide data to EMODnet Chemistry in order to improve and update the available information. Despite advances in legislation, there is still relatively little implementation of the requirements of the current directives and protocols.

OECD survey of Flemish marine data services available via EMODnet Biology

EMODnet Biology invites users of marine data made publicly available by Flanders, Belgium including EMODnet Biology data hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), to participate in an OECD survey of Flemish marine data services. The objective of this survey published on the EMODnet Biology portal and organised in cooperation with a number of other Flemish marine data managers is to get a picture of the use and the social value of the data made available. This 10–15-minute survey is open until 6 December 2022.

EMODnet Chemistry at the 1st International Joint Conference MARBLUE 2022

From 26 to 28 October 2022, EMODnet Chemistry was in Constanța (Romania) at the hybrid conference MARBLUE 2022 - Blue Growth: Challenges and Opportunities for the Black Sea. The aim of this international conference was to contribute to the protection of the Black Sea by supporting sustainable development in a multidisciplinary way. Free and open access to aggregated, standardised, validated data and data products for the Black Sea is available in the form of regional and global data collections and maps for eutrophication, contaminants, and marine litter through the EMODnet Chemistry web data portal.

Workshop on sharing industrial ocean data for ocean-climate modelling

This virtual workshop, co-organized and led by the non-profit organisation HUB Ocean and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) in its role as coordinator of the Ocean Decade, aims to define potential use cases that will explore the sharing of industry-owned ocean data with the ocean research community to improve ocean models and science. The workshop will take place on 22-23 November 2022 and will convene a dozen scientific partners working in the ocean-climate modelling domain. It will contribute to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development addressing Ocean Decade Challenge #5, which aims to “enhance understanding of the ocean-climate nexus and generate knowledge and solutions to mitigate, adapt and build resilience to the effects of climate change across all geographies and at all scales.”

EMODnet for Business workshop

On 20-21 October 2022, EMODnet together with EC DG MARE organised a workshop on “EMODnet marine data for the offshore renewable energy sector in the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea”. The workshop was attended by over 80 offshore renewable energy experts with representatives from diverse sectors including research, policy, marine data services and non-governmental agencies. EMODnet was well represented thematic experts from geology, seabed habitats, bathymetry, chemistry, human activities, Data Ingestion, Central Portal and the EMODnet Secretariat. The agenda included a demonstration of the latest EMODnet services, use cases of how the offshore renewable energy sector uses EMODnet data and data products, and dialogues on data requirements and data sharing. This workshop was the second in a series, with the first workshop focusing on the Northeast Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea.