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EMODnet’s Central Map Viewer unveils new visualization and technical upgrades

EMODnet centralisation may be complete, but EMODnet services continue to evolve. Discover the enhancements and latest technical upgrades to the EMODnet Map Viewer, brought to you by the Central Portal Technical team. These upgrades improve marine data discovery and visualization, including new map projections, customized parameter exploration, offering a more efficient and precise marine data exploration than ever before.

Registration opens for the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 in Brussels, Belgium on 29-30 November 2023!

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet ) is pleased to announce the launch of the EMODnet Vision 2035 public consultation! The EMODnet Vision 2035 focuses on service evolution. This builds on a EMODnet Call to Action (launched on 30 November 2023) and on EMODnet’s achievements to-date including the unification of EMODnet services in January 2023, and EMODnet’s ongoing partnership with Copernicus Marine Service to deliver the data infrastructure for the prototype European Digital Twin Ocean, launched in June 2024. The EMODnet Vision 2035 will deliver concrete and realistic goals for EMODnet’s digital services and service offer, to increasingly serve user needs, including directly supporting EU policy, the Blue Economy, Research and Innovation and wider stakeholders, and providing added value for the EU economic agenda and competitiveness, set in the global context. The public consultation (EU Survey, link above) is open to all EMODnet stakeholders and the wider community in Europe and worldwide. You can reply as an individual, organization, network, project or initiative. Results from the survey will be summarized and considered by the EMODnet Vision 2035 Drafting Group of experts that was set up in Spring 2024 to jointly deliver the EMODnet 2035 Vision, with members representing the EMOD-network (partners, associated partners, sea-basin checkpoints) and wider stakeholders. Thank you in advance for your feedback on how EMODnet could/should evolve its services over the next decade to 2035. Please distribute this widely to your professional networks. This survey remains open until 11 September Midnight CEST. Questions relating to the EMODnet Vision 2035 public consultation can be sent to Megan Tijssens: megan.tijssens[at] .

EMODnet at The Ocean Race Finale 2023!

On 27-30 June 2023, EMODnet Physics Coordinating organization, ETT, Italy was a co-organizer of the Ocean Data Week, an event held during The Ocean Race Finale in Genoa, Italy. The event brought together experts from EMODnet Secretariat, Physics, Chemistry and Data Ingestion together with wider stakeholders from the European Commission DG MARE, RTD, IOC-UNESCO, research, civil society and the private sector to exchange on topics spanning European Ocean Observation, the Marine Knowledge Value Chain, the role of Marine Data in EU Policy and Climate Change and Smart Sustainable Cities. EMODnet showcased the importance of diverse data sources highlighting the partnership with The Ocean Race, which saw EMODnet Physics making surface ocean physics data collected from sensors on the racing yacht hulls publicly available in near real-time via the EMODnet Physics dashboard, in collaboration with Copernicus Marine Service.

EMODnet at Ocean Race event “Ocean Data Hours”

The Ocean Race, the most extraordinary and toughest around-the-world regatta involving more than 2 million visitors in the past edition, is gearing up for June's Grand Finale in Genoa, Italy. ETT is supporting the race with a technical partnership and as part of the sponsorship, in collaboration with EMODnet Physics and Ingestion partners and sister projects (NAUTILOS, SOCHIC, OCEAN:ICE, EuroSea and others) is organizing “Ocean Data Hours” dedicated to sustainability, data FAIRness, cooperation. The program will propose events, roundtables and workshops that will lead to the Ocean Data Week.

Low Cost Technologies & Data Workshop

As part of the GOOS OCG-14 Meeting, the OCG, AtlantOS team together with EMODnet Physics is hosting a low-cost technology workshop that will focus on available technologies, their applications and on opportunities to ensure collected ocean data is FAIR.

EMODnet joins European Maritime Day 2023 to showcase its unified services to diverse stakeholders

EMODnet was well represented at the European Maritime Day (EMD) 2023, which took place on 24th-25th May 2023, at the BREST EXPO, Parc des Expositions de Penfeld in Brest, France. EMODnet thematic and data ingestion Coordinators, the Central Portal and Secretariat teams were in attendance, with a variety of roles representing EMODnet at the exhibition and multiple stakeholder workshops related to marine and maritime data for innovation and sustained ocean observations.

EMODnet 18th Steering Committee meets in Brest, France and celebrates change in Secretariat leadership

On 23rd May 2023 the EMODnet Steering Committee (SC) met in Brest, France, for its 18th meeting, hosted by Ifremer. At the 18th SC meeting, the EMODnet Secretariat announced a change in leadership, with Kate Larkin taking up the position of Head of Secretariat from April 2023 (read her welcome message here). Long-standing Head Jan-Bart Calewaert continues to work in the ocean data space, with more focus on global ocean data partnerships.

EMODnet Physics joins the Chalmers University Coastal Data Gap Challenge

On 30 March EMODnet Physics together with SMHI, marine sensor developers, citizen science initiatives, TransEurope Marinas and other international organizations and institutes attended Chalmers Filling Coastal Data Gaps - Let's Do it Ourselves!". The activity is a marine citizen science low-code, low-cost sensor course for 110 2nd year Industrial Economics MSc students at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, running throughout spring 2023.

EMODnet at International Ocean Data events and meetings

The EMOD-network participated in force at the second edition of the International Ocean Data Conference (IODC-II) on 20-21 March 2023 where the recent EMODnet unification of services was presented, together with dialogues on EMODnet’s contribution to FAIR data and the Global Ocean Data Ecosystem, together with its active input to the UN Ocean Decade Data and Information Strategy. EMODnet was also well represented at the 27th session of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange" (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, held back-to-back on 22-24 March 2023.

International Ocean Data Conference - II

The International Ocean Data Conference - II will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France) on 20-21 March 2023 as a hybrid event The previous International Ocean Data Conference held in Poland 2022 concluded with new commitments and recommendations on achieving a “global ocean digital ecosystem” in the context of and as a contribution to the UN Ocean Decade. The IODC-II will focus on the implementation of those commitments and recommendations, and report on the problems faced, solutions found, lessons learned and challenges identified. Abstracts for oral presentations must be submitted before 15 November 2022.

Registration is now open for the EMODnet Open Sea Lab Hackathon 3.0!

Join us at the third EMODnet Open Sea Lab Hackathon to address Ocean challenges in support of the EU Green Deal and the UN Agenda 2030. During a two-day open data virtual event (27-28 March 2023), participants will have the opportunity to explore and test the new features and advantages brought on by the unification of all seven thematics of EMODnet into one central portal.

Register today for the Green Deal Data Space Webinar

The Green Deal Data Space Foundation (GREAT) project aims at fostering an international cross-sectoral Community of Practice, which will shape and constitute the future Data Space through the provision and use of data. The project will deliver a roadmap for implementing and deploying the Green Deal Data Space, an infrastructure that will allow data providers and initiatives to openly share their data to tackle climate change and environmental challenge in a multidisciplinary manner. This introductory webinar will introduce the GREAT project and its goals, objectives and upcoming activities.

Register today - EMODnet Centralisation Public Webinar

The EMOD-network is excited to announce an EMODnet public webinar, “EMODnet Centralisation: One Ocean, One EMODnet" on 16 February 2023. The webinar will focus on the new features, capabilities and advantages of the EMODnet tools and services, following the unification of the 7 thematic portals into one central portal. Registration is free and open (see below).

SAVE THE DATE - Open Conference & Jamboree 2023

On 27 November - 1 December 2023, the full EMODnet partnership of > 120 organisations and wider stakeholders will gather in, Brussels, Belgium for the third edition of the EMDOnet Open Conference and Jamboree. Save-the-date for this interactive event. More news to follow soon.

One Ocean, One EMODnet: The European Marine Observation and Data Network is now fully unified into one single portal, offering major functionality upgrades

This thematic unification simplifies access and enhances the EMODnet user experience. Central to the upgrade and major improvement is the release of the common map viewer, which offers the user easy and seamless access to discover, visualise and download marine data across seven thematics spanning marine environment and human activities and hundreds of data and data products from one place, powered by a searchable unified catalogue.