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Launch of the EMODnet Call to Action

An EMODnet Call to Action was launched during the Closing Session of the EMODnet Open Conference on November 30th, 2023. This calls upon key actors across the National, Regional, European and Global marine knowledge community to increase their engagement with EMODnet, and to actively contribute to shape EMODnet’s evolution, taking community and political action to ensure EMODnet can not only consolidate, but also expand to meet user demand, to operate as a fully functioning, operational service of the European Commission.

Highlights from the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree 2023

Between 27-30 November 2023 over 340 partners, associated partners, and stakeholders of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) gathered in Brussels for the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree. The week kicked off with a Partner Jamboree with the >120 partners exchanging on their latest service developments and joint activities. The Open Conference was a public event, moderated by Karen Coleman. With a line-up of over 75 speakers across the 1.5 days, the event highlighted EMODnet’s crucial role in the European Marine Data Ecosystem, focusing on a "Digital and Green Future." If you missed a session or want to revisit the insights, the Plenary video recordings together with event photos are now available on the Conference website, with Plenary and Townhall presentations also being made available over the next few days. A full conference report will follow in early 2024. This November 2023 EMODnet News Digest is dedicated to Conference and Jamboree 2023 highlights, with news articles also posted on the EMODnet Portal (see links below). Further updates of the EMOD-network activities will come in the end of year issue, coming out end of December.

EMODnet, the European Atlas of the Seas and wider society

The European Atlas of the Seas was featured in several components of the EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree, including the Virtual Exhibition, the Jamboree session “Citizen Science and EMODnet”, the Townhall ‘EMODnet, EU Mission Ocean and wider society’ and the panel “EMODnet by and for wider society” within the session “EMODnet impact for society”. These sessions showed how EMODnet can support the European Union Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” and included discussions on the benefits of the contribution of citizens and citizen science projects to data sharing and how this could be done. The Atlas poster was presented to the audience during the EMODnet Community poster pitches. Both the Atlas Teachers Corner and the My Maps tool were highlighted as tools to support education.

EMODnet showcases European marine data service best practices at OBPS VII 2023

EMODnet showcased its European marine data services and best practices at the recent Ocean Best Practice Systems (OBPS) VII workshop that took place online between 5-19th October 2023. EMODnet showcased its contributions to the marine data and ocean knowledge ecosystem in several sessions and across multiple workshops, including a joint EMODnet Secretariat - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) presentation on the use of ERDAAP, where EMODnet’s Conor Delaney presented how ERDDAP is integrated across all EMODnet thematics before a second presentation on the unified EMODnet services and se of OGC standards, amongst others.

EMODnet Technical Working Group holds its 14th TWG Meeting

The 14th EMODnet Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting, was held online on 18th October 2023. At the TWG, EMODnet technical experts exchanged on the latest EMODnet Central Portal developments, including user-driven evolution for 2024 and beyond.

EMODnet Chemistry at EUROqCHARM final conference

On 11-12 October 2023, EMODnet Chemistry participated in the final conference of the EUROqCHARM project: a coordination and support action funded by EU Horizon 2020, the EU Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020. As a partner of EUROqCHARM, EMODnet Chemistry and its role as the data collector and manager of marine litter at European level was endorsed by many experts from different organisations such as Ifremer, the EC Joint Research Centre and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), which coordinates EUROqCHARM.

New marine litter data collections now accessible via the EMODnet Products Catalogue

It is now possible to access and download the new aggregated, harmonised and validated datasets for floating micro-litter, seafloor litter and beach litter from the EMODnet Portal, produced by EMODnet Chemistry. With one click users can access trusted, FAIR datasets from many sources of several countries bordering European marine regions. Visit the EMODnet Products catalogue and dive into EMODnet Chemistry's selection of data products. These include data collections and several different thematic maps for eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants, and marine litter.

EMODnet for Business workshop: Marine data for coastal tourism

On 26-27 September 2023, EMODnet together with EC DG MARE organised a workshop on “EMODnet marine data for coastal tourism”. The workshop was attended by over 42 coastal tourism experts with representatives from diverse sectors including research, policy, marine data services and non-governmental agencies. EMODnet was well represented by thematic experts from geology, human activities, physics, Data Ingestion, Central Portal and the EMODnet Secretariat. The agenda included a demonstration of the latest EMODnet services, use cases of how the coastal tourism sector use EMODnet data and data products, and dialogues on data requirements and data sharing. A report will follow on the EC Maritime Forum.

EMODnet Open Conference 2023: Full programme released!

EMODnet is pleased to announce the release of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 full draft programme including over 50 expert speakers and panelists. The event will take place on 29-30 November in Brussels, Belgium. Not yet registered? Join the > 200 stakeholders already signed up and secure your place today!

EMODnet joins the ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

EMODnet was pleased to exhibit at the ICES Annual Science Conference 2023 which took place in Bilbao, Spain on 11-15 September 2023. ICES is a key stakeholder to EMODnet, with ICES being a partner and data provider to multiple EMODnet thematics, including EMODnet Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Human Activities and Data Ingestion. EMODnet experts are also members of a number of ICES Working Groups. The event also saw the launch of the OSPAR Quality Status Report 2023, to which EMODnet data/data products contributed.

Release of the EMODnet Open Sea Lab (OSL 3.0) Hackathon Final Report & Video

We are pleased to announce the release of the OSL 3.0 Final Report and OSL 3.0 Highlights Video. These resources provide a summary of the event which took place in early Spring 2023, and the key results and outcomes. Thanks to all co-organisers, mentors, coaches and participants for an engaging and interactive event that pushed the boundaries of marine data innovation.

EMODnet for Business online workshop: Marine data for coastal tourism

Join EMODnet experts on 26-27 September 2023 for a two-day online workshop "EMODnet for Coastal tourism". The workshop will take place over two half-days (mornings) and is designed to explore how the coastal tourism industry can benefit from EMODnet’s diverse marine environmental and human activities data/data products and services, and to explore data sharing opportunities from this rapidly expanding Blue Economy sector. Register your interest to join today!

EMODnet Chemistry bring expertise to national discussions on federated, interoperable databases

On 5 September, EMODnet Chemistry, represented by its Coordinating institute OGS, provided its expertise at the workshop “Building a federated architecture of interoperable databases”. This was part of a series of 5 workshops organised by the Back To Blue initiative to develop a draft roadmap to achieve zero pollution ocean. Each workshop focused on a topic from the Back To Blue issues paper, which was produced after extensive stakeholder consultation and contains the key questions that need to be answered for an effective and workable roadmap.

EMODnet's Open Conference 2023: Register today and submit your abstract by 14th September 2023

Over 100 stakeholders have already registered for the EMODnet Open Conference 2023! Do you have your ticket yet? We welcome all stakeholders across the ocean observation, marine data, information and knowledge value chain to join us on 29-30 November 2023 in Brussels, Belgium! The call for community (e-/digital) poster abstracts has been extended to 14th September. Don’t miss your chance to apply to present your work!

EMODnet’s Central Map Viewer unveils new visualization and technical upgrades

EMODnet centralisation may be complete, but EMODnet services continue to evolve. Discover the enhancements and latest technical upgrades to the EMODnet Map Viewer, brought to you by the Central Portal Technical team. These upgrades improve marine data discovery and visualization, including new map projections, customized parameter exploration, offering a more efficient and precise marine data exploration than ever before.

EMODnet Chemistry collects QA/QC questionnaire results on data for marine pollution assessment

A recent questionnaire to the scientific institutions and marine monitoring laboratories that contribute pollutant data to EMODnet Chemistry, allowed gaining comprehensive and up-to-date insights into the former’s marine pollutant data quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) procedures. You will soon find everything about the questionnaire in a scientific paper (under review). Stay tuned!

Registration opens for the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 in Brussels, Belgium on 29-30 November 2023!

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet ) is pleased to announce the launch of the EMODnet Vision 2035 public consultation! The EMODnet Vision 2035 focuses on service evolution. This builds on a EMODnet Call to Action (launched on 30 November 2023) and on EMODnet’s achievements to-date including the unification of EMODnet services in January 2023, and EMODnet’s ongoing partnership with Copernicus Marine Service to deliver the data infrastructure for the prototype European Digital Twin Ocean, launched in June 2024. The EMODnet Vision 2035 will deliver concrete and realistic goals for EMODnet’s digital services and service offer, to increasingly serve user needs, including directly supporting EU policy, the Blue Economy, Research and Innovation and wider stakeholders, and providing added value for the EU economic agenda and competitiveness, set in the global context. The public consultation (EU Survey, link above) is open to all EMODnet stakeholders and the wider community in Europe and worldwide. You can reply as an individual, organization, network, project or initiative. Results from the survey will be summarized and considered by the EMODnet Vision 2035 Drafting Group of experts that was set up in Spring 2024 to jointly deliver the EMODnet 2035 Vision, with members representing the EMOD-network (partners, associated partners, sea-basin checkpoints) and wider stakeholders. Thank you in advance for your feedback on how EMODnet could/should evolve its services over the next decade to 2035. Please distribute this widely to your professional networks. This survey remains open until 11 September Midnight CEST. Questions relating to the EMODnet Vision 2035 public consultation can be sent to Megan Tijssens: megan.tijssens[at] .

EMODnet at The Ocean Race Finale 2023!

On 27-30 June 2023, EMODnet Physics Coordinating organization, ETT, Italy was a co-organizer of the Ocean Data Week, an event held during The Ocean Race Finale in Genoa, Italy. The event brought together experts from EMODnet Secretariat, Physics, Chemistry and Data Ingestion together with wider stakeholders from the European Commission DG MARE, RTD, IOC-UNESCO, research, civil society and the private sector to exchange on topics spanning European Ocean Observation, the Marine Knowledge Value Chain, the role of Marine Data in EU Policy and Climate Change and Smart Sustainable Cities. EMODnet showcased the importance of diverse data sources highlighting the partnership with The Ocean Race, which saw EMODnet Physics making surface ocean physics data collected from sensors on the racing yacht hulls publicly available in near real-time via the EMODnet Physics dashboard, in collaboration with Copernicus Marine Service.