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  June 2024  

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) Highlights

Information for SMEs on the EU regulatory framework for medicines

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SME survey

The SME office is conducting a survey to receive feedback from stakeholders on the support, services and incentives provided to SMEs by EMA. It will allow the SME office to better understand current issues faced by SMEs and will help tailor future activities to the needs of SMEs. We invite you to contribute to the survey by 12 July 2024.

See also SME survey 2024

SME office annual report

The 2023 annual report of the SME office has been published, highlighting sustained high figures of SMEs registered with EMA, an increase in SME briefing meetings and higher success rate for marketing authorisation applications for human medicines.
See also SME office annual report 2023

Critical medicines

EMA has published recommendations developed by the Medicines Shortages Steering Group (MSSG) to address vulnerabilities in the production and delivery of medicines included in the Union list of critical medicines and strengthen their supply chain.

See also MSSG recommendations

Medicine Shortages

European Shortages Monitoring Platform

The EMA is setting up the European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP) to gather information about medicine supply and demand to prevent, detect, and manage human medicine shortages in the European Union and European Economic Area. The first version of the platform will be available by February 2025. A dedicated webinar is organised on 24 June 2024 for Marketing Authorisation Holders in the EU/EEA.
See also Webinar ESMP

Scientific guidelines

The following documents for human and veterinary medicines were released for consultation:

  • A revised ICH E2D(R1) guideline on ‘Post-approval safety data: definitions and standards for management and reporting of individual case safety reports’, updated on the use of new sources of post-approval safety information such as social media, market research and patient support programs; until 22 June 2024.
  • A revised guideline on Good Agricultural and Collection Practice for starting materials of herbal origin, updated to consider advances such as indoor growing technologies, established practices and legal interpretations; until 15 July 2024 (herbal medicines).
  • A draft guideline providing guidance on stability data to be generated to support a variation to a marketing authorisation for veterinary medicinal products; until 31 August 2024.
  • A revised guideline on requirements for demonstrating therapeutic equivalence between orally inhaled products for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, updated on conditions for accepting in vitro data for therapeutic equivalence, paediatric requirements and pharmacokinetics data extrapolation; until 30 October 2024.
  • A revised guideline on the pharmaceutical quality of inhalation and nasal human medicinal products, updated to consolidate guidance previously provided in a questions & answers document, advances in the field and the medical device regulation; until 31 October 2024.

The following documents for human and veterinary medicines were also published:

  • A new guideline for quantitative evidence synthesis on direct and indirect comparisons published by the Member State Coordination Group on health technology assessment (HTACG). It describes the methods currently available for direct and indirect treatment comparisons regarding the underlying assumptions, strengths and weaknesses in the context of joint clinical assessment of health technologies.
  • A revised guideline ICH Q3C (R9) on ‘Impurities/Residual solvents’, updated on solvent volatility for analytical methods; came into effect on 29 April 2024.
  • A new guideline on data requirements and rules for the determination of the need for a Maximum Residue Limit evaluation for chemical-unlike biological non-immunological substances used in veterinary medicinal products intended for use in food-producing species; will come into effect on 1 August 2024.
  • A revised guideline on plasmid DNA vaccines for veterinary use addressing quality, safety and efficacy aspects of nucleic acid vaccines for use in animals; will come into effect on 17 July 2024. The update includes alignment with Regulation (EU) 2019/6 and additional clarifications resulting from experience gained from centrally authorised veterinary DNA vaccines.
  • A revised guideline on environmental risk assessment (ERA) of human medicinal products, updated with guidance on risk and hazard assessment, reporting of findings and requirements for marketing authorisations; will come into effect on 1 September 2024.
  • Questions and Answers on EU Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Distribution Practice updated on aspects related to manufacturing of sterile medicinal products and sampling of starting and packaging materials for human and veterinary medicines. 

Medical devices

A questions and answers document on the implementation of the medical devices and the in vitro diagnostics regulations for combinations of medicinal products and medical devices has been revised based on experience gained since the implementation of the new regulations.

See also Questions and Answers document

Clinical trials

Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS)

Revised CTIS transparency rules applicable as from 18 June 2024 introduce simplifications to provide access to clinical trial information in a faster and more efficient way. A key change is the removal of the deferral mechanism, which allowed sponsors to delay the publication of certain data and documents to protect commercially confidential information (CCI).
See also CTIS transparency rules

CTIS guidance and training on transitioning trials

Updated guidance and training material for sponsors transitioning trials from EudraCT to CTIS is available on the CTIS website, under a section “Transitioning Trials”.
See also Transitioning Trials

ACT EU Multi-stakeholder platform

The ACT EU Multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) was launched on 20 March 2024. It provides a platform for stakeholders to exchange views on aspects of clinical research including clinical trials regulation, methodologies, and technology.

See also EMA news item

Pilot projects for clinical trials

ACT EU is launching two pilot projects offering:
  • Harmonised scientific advice to support the submission of marketing authorisation and clinical trial applications (CTAs) in the EU
  • Consolidated technical/regulatory advice on CTA dossiers prior to their submission in CTIS.

Learnings from the pilots will be used to consolidate and streamline scientific advice on clinical trials. More information on the pilots will be available in due course on the ACT EU website.

See also ACT EU website

Big Data

Real world data

New HMA-EMA catalogues of real-world data (RWD) sources, studies, institutions and networks were launched on 15 February 2024. The catalogues are repositories of metadata collected from RWD sources and studies intended to help regulators, pharmaceutical companies and researchers to identify and use such data when investigating the use, safety and effectiveness of medicines.

The catalogue of RWD sources replaces the ENCePP Resources Database and the one of RWD studies replaces the EU PAS Register.

Please see more information here.

See also HMA-EMA real world data catalogues

Guidance on real-world evidence

A document on how EMA provides real-word evidence by analysing real-word data in the context of regulatory decision-making has been published.

It highlights how stakeholders and partners can request real-world data studies from EMA, the types of studies that can be performed and how EMA can help identify resources to address research questions (see document).

reflection paper on non-interventional studies methodologies using real-world data (RWD) to generate real-world evidence (RWE) for regulatory purposes has been released for consultation until 31 August 2024. The paper will be discussed in a dedicated session at the multi-stakeholder joint HMA-EMA workshop on RWE methods on 14 June 2024.

Darwin EU

The Data Analysis and Real-World Interrogation Network (DARWIN EU) continues working towards higher capacity for real-world data studies and seeks to add new data partners in 2024 and 2025. Results from DARWIN studies are publicly available in the new HMA-EMA Catalogue of RWD studies.

See also DARWIN EU® expanding its capacity

SoHO Regulation

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament approved a new regulation on standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin intended for human application (SoHO). The new rules will strengthen levels of health protection for these substances, improve harmonisation across the EU, facilitate innovation through common EU-wide authorisation procedures and advice on the regulatory status of a substance. It will also allow data reporting and information sharing on supply, quality and safety on SoHO via a common IT platform. The Council will now formally adopt the new regulation which will apply as from mid-2027.
See also SoHO regulation

One Health

An EU agencies task force including ECDC, ECHA, EEA, EFSA and EMA has been established to implement a joint framework for action on ‘One Health’ over 2024-2026. It aims to prevent and respond to health threats and focuses on strategic objectives to ensure that scientific advice provided by the agencies is increasingly integrated and that they can contribute with a common voice to the One Health agenda in the EU.

See also Joint framework for action

Regulatory guidance

Human medicines

Paediatric submissions in IRIS

From 4 June 2024, paediatric submissions such as paediatric investigation plans, waivers or deferrals will have to be made via the IRIS platform (see webpage). More information and guidance on IRIS is available in a specific section in the IRIS website. Applicants can also refer to a video recording of the EMA Quarterly System Demo

Commercially confidential information and personal data

An EMA/HMA guidance document on how to identify and handle commercially confidential information and personal data in documents relating to human marketing authorisation applications and post-authorisation activities, that are subject to access to documents requests and publication in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 1049/2001 or National legislations, has been released for public consultation until 28 June 2024.

Veterinary Medicines

Marketing authorisation transfer

Veterinary marketing authorisation holders will now benefit from a simplified transfer procedure, with new templates and a reduced number of supporting documentation. Updated questions and answers are available on the EMA website.

Abbreviations, pictograms and small packaging

As part of the implementation of Veterinary Medicines Regulation (EU) 2019/6, the European Commission adopted Regulation (EU) 2024/875 that allows changes of the information on the immediate and outer packaging for existing and new veterinary products with the approved abbreviations and pictograms listed in this Regulation. The regulation applies from 11 May 2024.

Upcoming events

Joint HMA-EMA workshop on Real World Evidence methods

The workshop will engage with stakeholders and experts on the draft RWE reflection paper released for public consultation in May 2024 and on priorities for further regulatory guidance development and collaboration.
date 14/06/2024
venue EMA premises in Amsterdam and online
Registration Registration form

New Fee Regulation: webinar for veterinary Marketing Authorisation Holders

The Agency invites all veterinary Industry Marketing Authorisation Holders to an introductory webinar on the upcoming changes resulting from the new fee regulation (Regulation (EU) 2024/568).
date 20/06/2024
venue EMA premises in Amsterdam and online

Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) Bitesize Talk: Revised transparency rules and the new CTIS public portal

This bitesize talk will provide an opportunity for sponsors to familiarise themselves with the revised transparency rules that will become applicable on 18 June 2024 and with the new CTIS Public portal that will go live as of 18 June 2024.
date 20/06/2024
venue Live Broadcast

European Shortages Monitoring Platform Essentials and Industry Reporting Requirements

The European Shortages Monitoring Platform (ESMP) Essentials and Industry Reporting Requirements Webinar aims to provide an overview of the ESMP and the information that will be reported through it by the pharmaceutical industry once it is operational.
date 24/06/2024
venue Live Broadcast

EMA workshop on challenges in drug development, regulation and clinical practice in hemoglobinopathies

This workshop is organised in order to receive a multi-stakeholder’s perspectives on sickle disease and thalassaemia before initiating the drafting of new guidelines.
date 01/07/2024
venue EMA premises in Amsterdam and online
Registration Registration form

SPOR Status Update

EMA is organising a public webinar on Substance, Product, Organisation, Referentials (SPOR) Regulatory Data Management (RDM) services status update.
date 10/07/2024
venue Live broadcast

Recent events material


Other newsletters of interest:

Big Data Highlights

Clinical Trials Highlights

Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) newsflash

European Innovation Council

Human Medicines Highlights

Product Lifecycle Management Insights

Veterinary Medicines Highlights


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ISSN: 2811-9657 | Catalogue Number: TC-AP-24-002-EN-Q