European Innovation Council pilot

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Monthly focus
EIC Accelerator grants €166 million to 36 companies fighting coronavirus
The EIC Accelerator will award a total €314 million to the 72 innovators selected for support in the form of grants, blended financing and coaching for the March 2020 cut-off of the programme. 36 innovative companies set to combat the coronavirus pandemic will receive €166 million from the EIC Accelerator. In addition, over €148 million will be granted to another 36 companies set to contribute to the recovery plan for Europe. A total of 818 seals of excellence were also awarded to innovative SMEs for their excellent proposals.
EIB, EC and Investitionsbank Berlin inaugurate €70 million malaria fund
The EU Malaria Fund is backed by InnovFin EU and the European Fund for Strategic Investments, joint initiatives of the EIB and the European Commission. The fund's first investment amounts to €24.8 million for two companies, whose malaria R&D could potentially lead to secondary use against COVID-19.
#EUvsVirus Matchathon: solutions to coronavirus challenges
A world-record of 2235 new partnerships for scaling up 120 innovative projects that tackle coronavirus challenges were sealed on 22-25 May at the #EUvsVirus Matchathon. It brought together 120 winning projects, 800 innovators working in multinational teams, 115 investors and more than 200 other partners, including corporates, universities and public authorities, to help innovators bring their solu...
FET Innovation Launchpad call is open! 
The Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Innovation LaunchPad call is open! We're looking for projects to transform results from Pathfinder/FET-funded projects into societal or economic innovations. A lump sum of up to €100.000 is available to support short actions focused on non-scientific aspects. Apply before 14 October 2020!
EIC Pathfinder bottom-up call receives 902 applications
The EIC received a total of 902 applications from consortia, compiling 5538 participants in total, for the latest EIC Pathfinder bottom-up call, within the 3 June deadline. The applicants request more than €2.8 billion of grant support. With participants from 61 countries from within the EU and abroad, this was the largest ever response to any Pathfinder call.
EIC Prize on Innovative Batteries for eVehicles
The €10 million EIC Horizon prize for Innovative Batteries for eVehicles is expecting your applications until 17 December 2020. The challenge is to develop a safe and sustainable battery for electric vehicles through the development of new materials and chemistry making use of abundant, sustainable low cost materials, which are easily available in Europe.
High demand for EIC Green Deal call
Over 2000 companies working on sustainable innovations have applied for the EIC Accelerator Green Deal call. Companies from 38 countries sought financial support and 41% of applicants asked for blended finance. The EIC will strive to ensure at least 25% companies led by women are invited to the second-stage of evaluations consisting of interviews, that will take place in mid-July for this cut-off.
Innovation experts needed!
We are looking for experts in innovation, investment, finance and business who can bring their know-how to the EIC Accelerator selection process and help us single out the most promising innovations. Venture capitalists, business angels, innovation, technology and business experts, apply now!
Business acceleration services
Bulgarian Transmetrics AD wins ‘best pitch’ at EIC Investor Day on Mobility
Every month the EIC organises an EIC ePitching with Investors around a dedicated topic. On 14 May 2020 the theme was Mobility & Transport. The pitch which brought together seven high-class EIC-backed SMEs with six investors firms. Transmetrics AD, a Bulgarian start-up, took home the prize for ‘best pitch’.
EIC Innovation Training Workshop: connecting researchers to the business world
On 13 and 14 May the European Innovation Council hosted the first Innovation Training Workshop for projects funded by the EIC Pathfinder programme. Experts helped 13 participants bring their research into concrete business concepts for example by defining market segments and designing viable products or services.
SMEs pitch at online EIC Corporate Day with BBVA and Ferrovial
On 26-27 May, 19 EIC-backed companies and 50 corporates from multinational financial service provider BBVA and infrastructure giant Ferrovial met for an EIC Corporate Day. The fully online event gave corporates and innovators the opportunity to discuss business and innovation opportunities.
Breakthrough ideas
Idogen starts trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Swedish biotech company Idogen AB is floating on the stock market. The traditional bell ringing was skipped due to coronavirus, but the event was featured on the Nasdaq trading floor at Times Square in New York. Idogen AB develops tolerogenic cell therapies to prevent the patients' immune system from attacking biological agents, transplanted organs or the body’s own cells or tissues.

New generation diagnostics tests to save mothers' and babies' lives

MOMM Diagnostics is a Swiss early stage start-up working on Pathfinder Innovation Launchpad project PEDPOC. The project is developing a prototype for a test at the point-of-care, to better diagnose Preeclampsia, one of the most common pregnancy complications that threatens the lives of mother and baby.

Interview with Dr. Regina Luttge about medical microsystems technologies

Dr. Regina Luttge is an expert in medical microsystems having bio-inspired functionalities. In this interview she explains how her project CONNECT will provide better treatment for neurodegenerative disorders.

Satlantis reaches International Space Station to test its camera

After travelling through space for days, EIC Accelerator-funded Satlantis successfully docked to the International Space Station in May. It will spend 3 months there, to test its high-resolution camera for micro-satellites, that will allow them to perform earth observation with a resolution of less than 1 meter.

This is a newsletter from the European Commission published once a month.

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