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  June 2020  
European Commission



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In this issue

Overview articles
Supporting EU building stock transformation by fostering market players’ skills

Several challenges are currently slowing the modernisation of the construction industry, such as the lack of a skilled workforce, insufficient investments in R&D, and the difficulties faced by SMEs (which represent 98 % of the construction chain) concerning the uptake of innovation and expensive R&D. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered further challenges to those already present in the industry and which could get worse depending on the severity and duration of the crisis.

Topic of the Month: New buildings as front-runners for nZEB and plusEnergy building (energy system partner)

Every month, BUILD UP highlights publications covering a specific topic. June’s Topic of the Month is: ‘New buildings as front-runners for nZEB and plusEnergy building (energy system partner)’. The website is already available for contributions and BUILD UP’s editorial board is eager to receive your discussion papers, news and articles.

Expert talks: Sylvain Kubicki, Senior Research and Technology Associate at LIST

For the 4th edition of our Expert talks series, we had the opportunity to interview Sylvain Kubicki, Senior Research and Technology Associate at LIST - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. He is a trained architect and PhD in Computer Science ensuring the coordination of several European research projects at LIST as well as their representation at the European Construction Technology Platform and the French chapter of buildingSMART.

EU launches new EUR 50-million pilot to develop skills and education across Europe

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and European Commission are launching a new pilot guarantee facility to improve access to finance for individuals and organisations looking to invest in skills and education. The EUR 50-million pilot scheme will support financing for students and learners, enterprises investing in the upskilling of their employees, and organisations providing education and training.

COVID-19: how to take advantage of the crisis to optimise digital skills in the construction industry

In this period of health epidemic linked to COVID-19, during which many construction sites are idling or are even shut down, it is important to rethink the ways of organising work in the construction sector and to consider the optimisation of digital skills to enable the sector to become ever-more efficient.

How ICT and social sciences can empower energy education

Do you know what kind of energy we consume in the European Union? Of the total energy available in the EU, around two-thirds is consumed by end-users, such as citizens, industry, transport, etc. Specifically, 42 % of the total energy used is in households, offices and commercial buildings, which are among the main targets of the eTEACHER project.

Construction skills for mainstreaming nZEB: new tools and practices

Jan Cromwijk and Veronika Schröpfer introduce new training and assessment tools developed in several EU Horizon 2020 projects to help practitioners to identify and address the strengths and weaknesses of their low-carbon skills for new build and retrofit. Online learning packages have been developed to address skill gaps and are freely accessible.

Skills for SMEs – Supporting specialised skills development: big data, the Internet of Things and cybersecurity for SMEs

SMEs are vital to the European economy, making up 99 % of Europe's businesses and accounting for two-thirds of total employment. The variety is huge, ranging from innovative and fast-growing companies which provide or use digital solutions to those that face significant challenges, such as acquiring the necessary skills to benefit from digital technologies.

Hem rehabilitation Energiesprong (smart) – France

Ten houses in Hem, near Lille, are the first homes in France to be rehabilitated to zero energy and any form of consumption guaranteed for 25 years. Energiesprong is an initiative initiated in the Netherlands in 2013. Vilogia tested the first prototypes using this approach on 10 dwellings built in Hem in 1950.

Ciciban Kindergarten, Croatia

An important public building in Velika Gorica, the most populated city in Croatia’s Zagreb county, this kindergarten was in need of energy renovation as it was expensive to run and uncomfortable for its occupants. Having become an eco-school, the management realised that energy renovation was essential to underpin the kindergarten’s new ethos.

The CraftEdu project

CraftEdu is developing innovative qualification and training schemes for craftsmen and on-site workers in the field of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in buildings. The project supports EU policies for the introduction of nearly zero-energy buildings and deep energy building renovation within a vision for a decarbonised building stock in 2050.


TRAIN4SUSTAIN will stimulate demand for skilled construction-sector professionals (architects, contractors/SMEs and workers) by enhancing the acceptance of regional and national qualifications and skills on the EU construction market. To this end, the comparability of national qualifications and sustainable energy skills is key for greater transparency and penetration power in the market.

The SSHARE project

SSHARE will develop an innovative self-sufficient envelope for buildings aiming for net-zero energy, thereby contributing to European technology and creativity through joint R&D and R&I multisectoral and international cooperation activities supported by knowledge sharing.

CBIM project

The ambition of CBIM is to educate researchers in the development of a set of novel and disruptive building information modelling technologies. These will automate the generation and enrichment of digital twins, improve the management, security and resilience of BIM-enabled processes, and boost the industrial uptake of BIM across sectors and disciplines by training the researchers to valorise and exploit their work.

Webinar | Showcasing the CEN-CE scheme

The CEN-CE training scheme is based on the energy performance of buildings (EPB) standards set by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and are related to the European Commission’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The Commission charged CEN with the task of issuing standards to support the implementation of EPBD requirements.

Deep renovation joint webinar

The aim of the ‘Deep renovation joint webinar’ is to raise awareness of the most innovative building renovation and energy-saving solutions and to present the technologies developed by three innovative projects: P2ENDURE, ENVISION and EENSULATE.

Teeschools e-learning platform on energy efficiency

The main features of this platform, which has been developed within Interreg Mediterranean, include pilot activities, an online tool, open lessons, conferences, training and an e-platform. Dissemination activities, such as press articles, social media, external events, a short video, and technical publications are all part of the publication’s content.

BuildHEAT tool: educational kit

BuildHEAT aims to drive change in the construction sector, bring information and coherence to the market, and facilitate the decision-making and planning processes. This is being carried out by means of, among others, the development of tools such as training kits that address technical, behavioural, cultural and economic perspectives in the retrofitting of buildings.

EU Sustainable Energy Week EUSEW 2020

This is the biggest European policy conference dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders focus on sustainable energy issues and debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas.

Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment – DS2BE 2020

The DS²BE seminars provide an excellent opportunity for doctoral students at eight Belgian university partner institutions to present their ongoing research. They will be given feedback by a broad panel of sustainability experts, including invited specialists and peers to help them further their research.

9th Solar Energy Conference and Trade Show of Central and Eastern Europe – CISOLAR 2020

Exhibitors will present their best solutions while companies will showcase their latest developments and innovative technologies, modern equipment, plus the best service and technological solutions for businesses and the private sector.

2nd International Conference on Energy and Cities

This event will present recent research and development and debate the key issues related to resources and their consumption in cities. It will provide networking opportunities with local authorities as well as leading academics, practitioners and stakeholders.

Social media
Build Up on Twitter

In Europe, renovation rate continues to linger around 1% and private investments remain limited. A workshop will be organised at @sustainplaces 2020 (28-30 October 2020) and will bring together several H2020 EU-funded projects.

Build Up on Linkedin

This Communication sets out a European Green Deal for the European Union (EU) and its citizens. It resets the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges that is this generation’s defining task.

About this e-mail

The BUILD UP newsletter is issued by the European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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