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  June 2019  
European Commission



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In this issue

Overview articles
Building integrated photovoltaics as a viable option among renewables

The concept of building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) concerns the integration of technology – that is, the capability of a PV system to interact with the building and district energy system to maximise the use locally of the electricity generated. In view of the urgent need to renovate and decarbonise the existing building stock, special focus is on producing skins, such as roofs and façades, by using innovative solutions and materials to make them more efficient and to generate energy. This is essential to achieve the EU’s 2030 energy targets which are only 11 years away.

Topic of the Month: ‘New skills for energy efficiency in buildings'

Every month, BUILD UP highlights publications covering a specific topic. June’s Topic of the Month is: ‘New skills for energy efficiency in buildings’. The website is already open for contributions and BUILD UP’s editorial board is eager to receive your discussion papers, news and articles.

One step closer to the mutual recognition of upskilled professionals in the construction sector

The nearly zero-energy building standard will very shortly become mandatory for new buildings. The challenge for achieving the European and national climate and energy goals is how to avoid construction errors that lead to increases in energy consumption. New “Train the Trainer” pilot courses are performed in different countries to facilitate the adoption of these standards during the execution of nearly zero-energy buildings.

Smart 3D modelling for buildings

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain is one of the most famous museums in the world, with more than 1 million visitors every year. This architectural masterpiece, designed by Frank Gehry in the ‘90s, was a pioneering piece of construction which tested the building information modelling (BIM) method.

Report quantifies potential for EU-28 urban waste heat

The ReUseHeat report ‘Accessible Urban Waste Heat’ reveals significant heat-recovery potential from unconventional sources of excess heat. It is possible to recover approximately 1.2 EJ (or 340 TWh) per year from data centres, metro stations, service-sector buildings and waste-water treatment plants. This corresponds to more than 10% of the EU’s total energy demand for heat and hot water, which is approximately 10.7 EJ (or 2 980 TWh).

Making buildings responsive to users’ needs with the Smart Readiness Indicator and the European Energy Efficient building district database

The latest factsheet published by the EU-funded ExcEED project summarises the project’s main objectives and details the need for such a platform to collect energy-performance data from existing buildings, especially in light of the contribution it can make to develop the smart readiness indicator (SRI).

Future-proof buildings for all Europeans: a guide to implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

The Buildings Performance Institute Europe’s guide addresses various aspects of the Directive, providing Member States with a comprehensive toolkit to meet the decarbonisation challenge. It focuses on articles were requirements have evolved or have been added: long-term renovation strategies, financing renovation, EPCs and building renovation passports, the SRI and how to calculate energy performance.

The Albero: Construction 21 Case Study

The Albero project focuses on the rehabilitation, modernisation and requalification of the architectural envelope of an office building in Guyancourt, France. It relies on low CO2 emissions materials and on-site non-disturbance strategies to reduce its environmental impact.

Zetland Road: a deep retrofit of two Victorian semi-detached houses from 1894, Manchester, UK

For many years, this Victorian property in the centre of Chorlton had been divided up into five apartments. During this time, many of the original features were lost. The proposal is to return the property to its original state as two semi-detached homes and to reinstate the beautiful original façade.

ReCO2ST: a research project aiming for better building and living

ReCO2ST is applying an easy three-step approach to building renovations, resulting in major savings and higher standards of living. The interactive refurbishment assessment tool, the integrated project delivery tool and finally, the selected refurbishment package of innovative technologies are being deployed as a customisable retrofit kit.

HEART project: Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit

The HEART toolkit incorporates different components and technologies which cooperate to transform an existing building into a smart building. By developing this toolkit, the project is advancing and improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in buildings across Europe. This is particularly relevant in central and southern Europe where climate change is resulting in higher electricity consumption during both the summer and winter seasons.

PARENT project: PARticipatory platform for sustainable ENergy managemenT

The aim of the project is to give communities the technology and support they need to help reduce energy consumption in their homes, and to investigate ways in which communities can work towards more sustainable lifestyles. This ongoing three-year project is conducting pilot studies in Brussels (Belgium), Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Bergen (Norway).

BERTIM project: Building Energy Renovation through Timber prefabricated Modules

BERTIM develops a prefabricated solution which provides the opportunity to renovate improving energy performance, air quality, aesthetics, comfort, and property value at the same time, while ensuring low intrusiveness during renovation works. The systemic methodology is based in a digital BIM data flow that will be implemented in a software named RenoBIM.

Webinar: How and what can we learn from the EPATEE toolbox?

This dissemination webinar, which is designed for all types of users, from beginners to evaluation experts, explains the background and how the toolbox was developed. It is illustrated with a live demonstration of evaluations that can be done using the toolbox and allows participants to test and comment on its use.

Webinar on building operation and user experience key to enhanced building performance

In collaboration with the eTEACHER, MOBISTYLE and MOEEBIUS H2020 projects, BUILD UP has organised this webinar to address, among others, the way in which occupants use and interact with buildings in order to lower energy consumption and/or to enhance the comfort and quality of the indoor environment.

METIS, a cost-efficient district heating development

METIS is a mathematical model which provides an analysis of the European energy system. It simulates the operation of energy systems and markets on an hourly basis over a year, while factoring in uncertainties such as variations in the weather.

COOL DH technical workshop at EUSEW

The COOL DH action aims to support cities in their endeavour to plan and deploy new, efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) systems and to extend and refurbish existing ones to higher standards.

Scaling-up Deep-Energy Retrofit Markets Towards 2030 Targets

The aim of the conference is to provide insights into the performance of innovative building envelopes as regards architecture, energy, comfort, economics and management.

Investing 4 Cities: Opportunities and Solutions to finance home renovation in Europe

This summit offers European cities and regional representatives a unique opportunity to learn from and interact with experts from home-renovation programmes. The event will showcase lessons learnt, best practices, case studies and future developments in home renovation.

Horizon 2020 Energy Info Days

The info days will present funding opportunities for research, innovation and market uptake projects on clean energy. Registration is open now!

Social media
Build Up on Twitter

Last week, we organised our #BuildUpSkills workshop at the @ConstrumatBCN fair in Barcelona Thank you very much to all speakers and participants that made this event on #Digital #ConstructionSkills so productive!

Build Up on Linkedin

Do you know outstanding individuals involved in #EnergyTransition? The #RogerLeronAward honours developments in the #SustainableEnergy field at the EU, local and regional level! Nominate them before 31 May.

About this e-mail

The BUILD UP newsletter is issued by the European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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